
this message may be offensive
trisha paytas really grosses me out after her ‘coming out video’ knowing very well she’s a women and claiming to be trans because she likes gay guys, like what? people are defending her and saying she’s just confused but that’s why she needed to look shit up before going online and saying things. she said a lot of stuff that’s harmful to our community and it isn’t okay- even if she is a troll, i don’t care. she’s spreading misinformation and it’s not okay.


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trisha paytas really grosses me out after her ‘coming out video’ knowing very well she’s a women and claiming to be trans because she likes gay guys, like what? people are defending her and saying she’s just confused but that’s why she needed to look shit up before going online and saying things. she said a lot of stuff that’s harmful to our community and it isn’t okay- even if she is a troll, i don’t care. she’s spreading misinformation and it’s not okay.


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me out here trying to find some lgbt friendly outsiders roleplays and being gate keeped cause apparently there were no gay guys in the 60’s or some shit? like damn, the roleplay would be more complex cause lgbt wasn’t nearly as welcomed back then but that’s apart of the fun of rp??? adding your own twists and struggles for character development?????????


            oh yes!! i must be iNSANE to think that lgbt people could have possibly been a thing at such time. because they definitely  weren’t  just being oppressed and forced to suppress themselves because of society. siLly me!!!!! 


*internet hug*
          I read the rest of the comments for no reason.
          You seriously need a hug.
          (Also, that is literally the funniest username I've come across in around a year. Not joking.)


thank you for both your kindness of the hug and for complimenting my username. I love your profile picture a lot.


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I hate when people tell me I’m just begging for attention and that I don’t have problems. People tell me I don’t seem like anything’s wrong, news flash, this is the Internet. What I seem like from a screen doesn’t reflect me or how I mentally am. So if you are one of the people who keep claiming I’m an attention whore, suck a dick.