
I have a question what does it mean to be raged?


@dude1son still don't know what it means 


This account is dead as hell trust me I left this in a ground mostly because I was cringing at an unnatural rate but now that I've learned how to write a little okay not a lot so I guess I have your attention now so I'll just say this are you a cupcake or cake person personally I think I'm a cake person I don't know anymore this is an existential crisis come on help me out am I the only one that believes that cake is better than cupcakes I want you to tell me I need this information anyways all that bull see all the way I have another question do you like romances because I'm working on one God that feels so weird to say I should not be working on the romance because for one I don't know how to write one 2 I suck at writing one and 3 this is a dare that I failed welp guess I don't have any saying is so might as well say go read it please please I need your help if I don't get this at least one read my friends going to make fun of me forever and I can't go to school and have her berate me for trying to fail a romance so help a dude out get it get it and read it please I'm on my knees while I'm always on my knees because I don't have a chair and I don't feel like using my my bed so please I'm already on my knees I'll do anything anything for you to read this I'll even reference a joke I'll even reference to you I'll even put you in a stupid story that you would hate but still read for some reason mostly because you want to laugh at my fails but you know tomato tomahto anyways I guess that's all I have to say oh besides saying does anyone watch JoJo here come on someone has to watch Jojo I'm personally a fan a Sex Pistols and sticky fingers in Killer Queen I mean look at those stands and tell me you're not afraid of them I just imagine a boy coming up on you and turning your body into a zipper that's scary and a guy that has practically Aimbot shooting you wherever you want and someone that can