
this message may be offensive
hey, it’s been a while lmao. the excuses are pointless and i’m tired of giving them, you guys know life is busy and shit has been crazy this year. but now that things have calmed down for me, i want to revamp my account. i’m going to keep the storyline because i love it too much, but over the next day i’m going to probably change the theme and fix, delete, and add some bios. and obviously the messages are big too. i’m currently at work so i won’t be replying for the next few hours but i’d like to get a general idea of what i’m deleting. so if we had a roleplay and you want to continue, either pick up where it was left or skip ahead, please let me know. that’ll help me determine what bios i need to fix or delete. 


so happy you’re back! keep of course, always xoxo poppy and milo are too sweet. maybe pick off where we left off (they were close to finishing what they were doing anyways, oops).


I heard about wattpad deleting/no longer allowing DMs from a friend who was talking about this site and it shocked me. I wanted to post a message on your board just in case you ever wanted to reach out (no worries if not, just feels weird that we talked for years and you wouldn’t have the option) I’ve got email or discord if you want either of those as an option  lmk and I’ll reply with them and you can reach out whenever you’d want.
          I also saved all our story ages ago into a google doc to see the word count that one time so I can share that with you too if you want just to be able to read over it 
          I hope you’re doing well after all this time!


this message may be offensive
hey, it’s been a while lmao. the excuses are pointless and i’m tired of giving them, you guys know life is busy and shit has been crazy this year. but now that things have calmed down for me, i want to revamp my account. i’m going to keep the storyline because i love it too much, but over the next day i’m going to probably change the theme and fix, delete, and add some bios. and obviously the messages are big too. i’m currently at work so i won’t be replying for the next few hours but i’d like to get a general idea of what i’m deleting. so if we had a roleplay and you want to continue, either pick up where it was left or skip ahead, please let me know. that’ll help me determine what bios i need to fix or delete. 


so happy you’re back! keep of course, always xoxo poppy and milo are too sweet. maybe pick off where we left off (they were close to finishing what they were doing anyways, oops).