
yay!! 100k reads na story ko sa FameInk 


Hindi ko na inedit yung 'THE CHOSEN ONE' masyado na 'kong busy sa school and I'm slowly losing my interest in writing, so I'll publish it again just how it originally was. However, I've already set a date for when I'll continue my editing and writing for the continuous story line, which is the book/season 2. I will also fix the book/season 1, not the plot but the structure, and composition.
          Have a great day!!!! 


When The Shepherd Die [Wingless Fairy] 
          – unpublished.
          – will publish again once na all goods na :>


@dreeaam_catcher ay shuta AHAHHSHSHHAHAHA na install pa aq wattpad kasi nakita ko sa page na PaperInk ahhshshhsh naunpub na pala