this message may be offensive
Feel free to delete the comment coz I have seen you doing that earlier as well and trust me truth hurts bad.
Would like to ask for the last time author, will you be updating your book brothers in arms. That's your first book and you upload a chapter in months and then again expect a good response. You got your base from that book and have sidelined that for other books.
You keep ignoring people asking about that book. If you aren't interested in the book anymore just inform people so nobody waits for it anymore and accept it won't be uploaded. Your major reading audience came from that book and it doesn't matter to your anymore.
So to answer the questions that you asked 2 days back- yes, as a reader who started with BIA is no more interested in your books.
Note for other people who just start bitching without trying to understand things- Think from the POV of a person who started book 'A' and the author moves on to book 'B' 'C' and 'D' without completing the previous ones. I'm sorry to say you don't understand the audience. A reader loses it's interest the moment the updates start delaying and when you see new book uploading but the old books don't, it doesn't actually seems right. Please don't reply regarding the author crying for comments and response, we have seen books so successful on wattpad, that are getting published, made a series on and getting their 'targets' completed automatically but what made them successful when 'good plotline' (which you definitely have), consistency and long chapters.
I have also seen people who actually have everything ticked in the checkbox but inconsistency and crying for targets ruined them, and when I say this I have no regrets "You are going in the same direction."
And I know people here are gonna ask me "who I am to say all this to their dear author", "don't listen to bullshit" , "you don't understand the sentiments of an author", "abusive language" ,etc. ,, I would like to tell them (continued in comment- word limit