
If I were to write a 4*town fanfic, specific with Aaron T. And the reader would you guys read it?
          	 The fic would apply to any 4*town members, I just liked Aaron T. Design more, and solely based on his little card on the official site I imagine he would be easier to write about.


@ Kat1eThecat  aaaaa i'm glad :)


@dramatotalfan I would definily read it! =]


If I were to write a 4*town fanfic, specific with Aaron T. And the reader would you guys read it?
           The fic would apply to any 4*town members, I just liked Aaron T. Design more, and solely based on his little card on the official site I imagine he would be easier to write about.


@ Kat1eThecat  aaaaa i'm glad :)


@dramatotalfan I would definily read it! =]


this message may be offensive
So like i never thanked you guus, holy shit 27k views and 700 stars????? I love you guys so much thank you.
          This means a lot to me because I'm not very confident in my writing, so seeing you guys like and comment on my works is what got me motivated to keep writing, so thank you guys very much.
          Lot's of love


Olá, essa menssagem é para os brasileiros (ou para quem entende português) que me segue, a pedidos de algumas pessoas, eu vou traduzir "i will defnetly help" e "el sol y la luna" para português, nn sei quando, mas vou traduzir
          Translation for my non Brazilian (or portuguese) readers: i said tha i would be translating my two Camilo fics to portuguese.
          Todos tenham uma boa manhã/tarde/noite :)
          Y'all have a good morning/evening/night:)


Question: would you guys be intrested in a Camilo oneshot?
          Before a write the last chapther of 'i will deftnelly help" i wanted to write a oneshot.
          It would be based in a Brazilian song called "o sol e a lua" (the sun and the moon)
          In the Fic Camilo (the sun) would like a girl in the village (she would be the moon) and like the song goes she would reject him and he would get sad, that's where Y/N enters and start helping him (they would be best friends) to get back to his happy self, and their relantionship would develop through that.
          What do you guys think?


@ GSZ_button  aaaah i'm so glad you guys are intrested 


@dramatotalfan It sounds awesome!! You can definitely do that it would be very interesting for sure :D


@ _ChiakiPhantomhive_  aaah glad you liked it :)