
Am I out of my head?
          	Am I out of my mind?
          	If you only knew the bad things I like
          	Don't think that I can explain it
          	What can I say, it's complicated
          	Don't matter what you say
          	Don't matter what you do
          	I only wanna do bad things to you
          	So good, that you can't explain it
          	What can I say, it's complicated


Am I out of my head?
          Am I out of my mind?
          If you only knew the bad things I like
          Don't think that I can explain it
          What can I say, it's complicated
          Don't matter what you say
          Don't matter what you do
          I only wanna do bad things to you
          So good, that you can't explain it
          What can I say, it's complicated


Hello there! Cool profile!! I love Big Bang too!! If you're free, it'll be great if you could check out my book: The Sun And The Moon. It currently has 3 chapters so it won't take too much of your time, I'll be soooo grateful if you did read it!! I'll really appreciate the support! Thank you (❛◡❛✿)


Omg ur profile gives me life  GD is my ultimate bias of all time. He's cute, talented, sexy, loves his fans, great fashion sense, good with kids, has catchy songs, funny, flirty and the list goes on 


@cupcakegirl1424 ikr!! Me too!! I really want to meet him. I think his one kiss can last me a lifetime.. His one touch can set me burning~ oh how I love him so much.. He's so handsome..


@cupcakegirl1424 yh same! Omg I love him too much for my health I swear to god ❤❤❤ one day he'll give me a heart attack :p I jst wanna meat him my life would be complete if I do :'(


@cupcakegirl1424  omg!! I got GD too!! I was screaming and fangirling too! Hyperventilating.. Lol.. What story you got there? I think all the same? I got the one drunk and woke up finding his dogs in my apartment?


Are you talking about Kpoponly's fanfics? From Asianfanfics? 


@XxxBlackAnWhitexxX lol.. Yeah they added a bit of their height so I don't know how tall he really is.. I love his talent too.. It's like whatever he do he can master it well and control it very well. Even wearing ugly clothes can make him look like god.. One thing I admire him the most is his music talent.. TOP is handsome too.. They're handsome is different.. TOP more manly and GD more young style.. 


Gd is handsome but if I had to be very very honest TOP is a lot more handsome no? But that doesn't really matter to me because it's not just his face that I'm in love with, I love him because he makes amazing much for the most part. But I also love hid personality and how his tattoos and his style and just everything that makes him Kwon Ji Yong. Lol I feel like I'm confessing my love to him right now. But yeah, I think to love someone truly you have to love a lot more than just their looks. I just can't get enough of this man like literally my life revolves around him. And I'd like to think he's average high lol it say on his profile that he's 5'9 but I think that's a little fib they've come up with to mask his real height. I think he's like 5'7 and that's more than fine with my cuz I'm only 5'3 


          Hi. you are so welcome. i love your thinking at least. we have the same in mind. lol. I'll definitely check your work. too bad i don't have things to write. i don't know how to write. so sad though. i do hope if i have something in mind I'll surely consult you.