
Thanks for 250k y'all :) Maybe I'll post some various head cannons and extra scenes to celebrate??


Hey there, I'm posting this to express my raging feelings about your book... Really one book??!!! Girl your writing is so fascinating that I hoped to read more books from you but sadly i found one book and I'm mad now  ... I really hope to read more from you one day 


I finished the book in about a day .......yes i was that addicted to it .............it was by far one of the best books i have read here on wattpad and loved everything.......it had the right amount of sarcasm fun adventure and sadness ..........i really cried my eyes out at some moments and laughed too hard in some moments.......i completely fell in love with some characters including adira axel and james......loved the book overall and am excited for your next books


okay just finished reading your story in like a day and a half. 
          blown away.
          thank you for not being afraid of killing off characters i really admire that in authors.
          definitely up there in my favourite wattpadd books. i didn’t interact with the comments mainly bc i was too hooked but i enjoyed it immensely.
          i’d write a full review on what i loved and didn’t but it’d be too long but to summarise: i loved it.
          so thank you for writing this masterpiece x


I don’t think I’ve cried my eyes out harder for a book then yours in a long while so thank you for that! I genuinely needed that because I feel like every book that I’ve been reading recently is just so cliché and they’re like a different version of every other book on here but yours was outstanding, it was different, it was exciting and i loved it! i’ll cherish the story forever although it broke my heart