
Can you answer this riddle? There are 10 people in a room, you go in and kill 8 of them. How many people actually remain in the room?
          	Reply to this answer and I’ll pm you.
          	But if you get it wrong, you have to repost this on your message board.
          	i lost to childofnemisis


Can you answer this riddle? There are 10 people in a room, you go in and kill 8 of them. How many people actually remain in the room?
          Reply to this answer and I’ll pm you.
          But if you get it wrong, you have to repost this on your message board.
          i lost to childofnemisis


here me out guys. you know how percy is old and he probably wont be the main character in any of the new books. what if rick riordan kills him off. he comes in for the final battle or something and he sacriices himself. cmon we can all see this right. guys please repost this cuz i do not have as much followers as u guys and i want more people to see it.


Paste this ✨on the ✨ ten nicest ✨ people’s profiles ✨ and if you ✨ get 10 ✨ back then ✨ you are ✨ really special ♡♡♡♡


@Bella123Tona456 im glad to help her. it makes me feel like im doing something to help someone.


ur welcome @Child-Of_Nemesis said u are also one of the ones who are helping her get through her LIFE HURTS!!! phase(ish) so I am thankful u are here for her when I can't be(I have a busy schedule)