
Hey there my fellow Harry Potter Fan,! I have some great news!  Hopefully by next year I'll be binding Fan Fictions. I hope that this year I save up money and ask some stuff for Christmas I'll get the things I need to do it. I also would need to get rights to the books by the authors and if I do I'm 100% going to start.


Hey there my fellow Harry Potter Fan,! I have some great news!  Hopefully by next year I'll be binding Fan Fictions. I hope that this year I save up money and ask some stuff for Christmas I'll get the things I need to do it. I also would need to get rights to the books by the authors and if I do I'm 100% going to start.


Today we lost a actress, mother, daughter, idol and so much more to cancer..Today we lost Helen McCrory at the age of 52 years old. I'm still trying to get it in my mind that she has passed a way and it doesn't feel real at all and anyway possible. I pray for her family and friends, and am very sadden for their lost. 
          Fly high angle and say hi to Alan for us up there.
          Helen McCrory 1968-2021


HELLO EVERYBODY!! for the next week I'm going to be doing google meets with anyone and everyone, to meet people, get over my social anxiety and just have a good time! some of the things we will do:
          - Talk about things we like and get to know each other
          - Might read a bit of fanfic 
          -just hang out and have fun
          I will be starting this tonight at 10:00pm EST, please dm me on Wattpad or add me to snapchat, which is huntelizabeth3
          Hope to see you sometime this week and the meetings will most likely end at 11:30, but you can leave  anytime you would like!


i don't know if you guys will care but......
          ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!


happy birthday!! 