
*clicks unpublish*


HIJKLM has higher standards for every student. If student cannot reach the given standards shall be put to the Non-awesome section.
          Have I mentioned every Awesums are about 20 yrs old and below?
          The sorting always happens at the end of class. 


HIJKLM follows three rules:
          1) Listen
          2) Shut
          3) Obey
          All newborn babies are taken straight from the Section Hospital and into the HIJKLM Nursery where they would be carefully nursed and watched.
          As they grow older, the Awesums are divided again into two classes, The Females & Males. As you can see they are divided by their gender.
          Lessons taught are different between the two classes. (Thispeoplearefuckingsexistsomygosh)


So here's how this thing works:
          So you know about the non-awesomes, the awesums & the awesomes, aye?
          In this far away land called, ABCDEFG. There three different kinds of people. These people are divided into three villages with walls dividing each sections.
          But as you see in the Awesums case, these people needed to know what they can do and what they cannot.
          The First President named E, created an establishment that is held in the middle section (Awesums) the HIJKLM