
Am I like the only one who loves when Spotify makes a mix and you end up only listening to like 35% of the songs so spotify decides to take them off so you cant listen to them anymore??? 


I just posted a new chapter to save me I am soo happy that I finally updated it and also please read my new book The Journal it is also a BTS fanfic and I hope that you guys like it as much as I like reading random books (that got a bit dark in my mind...)


I have a question.. Has it ever happened that a friend tells you they will buy amything to you and after 2-3 years of not asking for something you finally ask for 2 plushie(bt21 and Ryan) and they say no... Has it happened to you??? I'm now sad cuz lf that


Today I had to unpublish one part since I was stupid enough to actually put a spoiler... I didnt say nothing anyway I can tell you it is from the book Save me or I'm fine 
          I dunno anymore I'm very tired and didn't sleep well so sorry for my little rant anywho have a good day


so i did three chapters for im fine and i noticed that at my last nessage i out instead of save me.... so.... i technically told yall a huge secret that is hidden within the book and it is a message so try to figure it out and i will also be updating the taken... and please tell me wether i should write a new revised version of the taken or just fix the mistakes cuz i realized i couldve done much much better


okay people i updated Im Fine twice today im feeling dangerous and generous so dont ruin it for mua plz~~~~ anywho you guys may be getting closer to find out what happens to Jimin soooo no spoilers and forgive me if there are any grammar errors i proofread it quite quickly and published it cuz well... lets say i decided that i have a bit to much dances to do and piano practice~~