
I also wanted to announce that I started writing a new story, because I'm bored in this quarantine. I actually really like the story but I'm only a few chapters in. If you guys are interested in reading it let me know. I'm still working and fixing the plot holes in the story but it's obviously going to be a love story. So yeah, I just wanted to post those messages on here to catch you guys up on what's been happening.❤


I also wanted to announce that I started writing a new story, because I'm bored in this quarantine. I actually really like the story but I'm only a few chapters in. If you guys are interested in reading it let me know. I'm still working and fixing the plot holes in the story but it's obviously going to be a love story. So yeah, I just wanted to post those messages on here to catch you guys up on what's been happening.❤


Hey guys, I just wanted to post something really quick. I hope all of you are doing well during this whole COVID-19, and in quarantine. My school has completely closed until August, which means I'll be a senior when I go back which is my last year of school before I graduate. This last month has been (not going to lie) kinda scary. Not just for me but for others as well. We all want to stop the spread of this nasty virus, and in order for us to do that we must stay inside, wash our hands frequently, don't touch our faces, and stay inside unless it's absolutely necessary. That's all we can do right now. So, I hope you guys are staying safe and I wish you all the best. Sending my love to each and every one of you.❤
          Just started reading the Harry Potter books again. (I'm literally the biggest fan) and rewatched the movies like 100 times. So if you're a fan literally message me at anytime and let's talk. Or if you aren't a fan anx just want to talk, message me❤


I mis DTLS so much I’m not really in the Dolan twins fandom anymore but stories like that give me almost like a sense  of nostalgia since I was 11 or 12 when I joined the fandom and DTLS was one of the first stories that I read and made kinda go into a spiral of Dolan twins everything I’m 15 now and I wish the stories where still up so I could feel that feeling I felt when I first joined the fandom if I’m being honest the fandom isn’t alive or thriving like it was back in 2016/17 I think just a lot of us have grown up I mean half of the fandom was 11,12, or 13 and now we’re like 15,16, or 17 but I still like the Dolan twins but they just don’t really give me that feeling anymore 


@sweeterthanpeachesx I was only 12 when I wrote those, and now I turn 17 in August so I get what you mean when you feel a sense of nostalgia when you even think about stories when you were 11 or 12. Thank you so much, I'm glad you liked them, my writing is a lot more advanced then it used to be. It still makes me really upset that I can't go back and see those stories.❤


Hey :). I just wanted to wish you guys an early Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays. If you don't celebrate Christmas or any other holiday then I hope you guys have a great winter break. This year was such a great year, a little difficult mentally, but other than that it was a really good year to better myself and seeing my friends and family better themselves as well. I hope my 2020 (as well as your guys's 2020's) are filled with the best of things. Feel free to message me anytime. Love you guys❤


Hi guys, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry if I haven't answered any of your messages. My boyfriend recently got into a car accident and he's perfectly fine just a few cuts and bruises but I've just been focused on him more. I'm back on this app though, I might be a little slow on responding but I will. I'm more active on my Instagram so just reach out for me and we'll talk there. Just wanted to update you guys.❤


Hope everythings okay even if we dont speak anymore x


Hey guys, I just wanted to give you a quick update on my life and how I've been doing. I actually got onto my school's soccer team so I've been so busy with that and school in general. I'm about to celebrate my two year anniversary with my boyfriend in November. So with school, sports, family, friends, my relationship I'm so busy to the point where I can't even write little stories in my notes anymore. I'm not sure what this means for my account yet but I'm still active when it comes to talking to you guys. I actually made a really good friend on here in the last two months and he always keeps me here on this app and always brings out my love for writing when I feel un-inspired (you know who you are). So yeah just a little update, I love talking with you guys, I hope you all know that and I really want to get back to writing but I have such a busy life. I will not stop talking with you guys and if you ever need me just reach out to me in my messages or just ask for my Instagram.❤


I just wanted to post a quick announcement and hope that everyone who lives on the east coast is okay. My heart goes out to anyone who has been effected or will be effected by the recent hurricane. I do live in Florida and have been getting messages lately so if I don't respond then I've probably lost WI-FI (If I loose it). The hurricane has shifted so I wont be effected specifically. Again stay safe and I hope everyone is okay right now.❤


@dolantish8_ thank you so much love❤


 I hope your going to be okay I send my prayers to you ❤️❤️❤️


Hey guys, for the past few weeks I've been on wattpad non stop just getting used to it again. I've noticed some people copying some of my book ideas that I've written before, even some of the people that follow me have been taking some of my ideas and just claiming it as their own. This has happened so many times I just don't know how to feel about it, it's not really fair. I still want to write on here but I just wanted to say that. Just be creative, don't steal people's ideas and works they work hard on it and they deserve that credit for THEIR creativity.


@dolantish8_ girl you're like an og, thanks love❤


Smhh hey baby it’s good to have ya back don’t  they just mad cause their brain ain’t creative like yours 


Again, thank you so much for the suggestions. There was some really good ideas that you guys sent me and I'm really excited to start writing again. At the same time I don't want any of you guys to think I'm doing this for the reads and to receive something from this when really I'm doing this for myself, not in a selfish way, but in a "I love to write and I want to share it" kind of way. So please send me some messages, I'll most definelty respond. So yeah, it's getting a little late where I am so good night guys