
Ok, so this is for all of my Switching Universe readers, I have motivation to write I just don’t know what to write so if any of y’all have any ideas I’ll take them just dm me your ideas! That is all have a wonderful day!


Ok, so this is for all of my Switching Universe readers, I have motivation to write I just don’t know what to write so if any of y’all have any ideas I’ll take them just dm me your ideas! That is all have a wonderful day!


heyoooooo im back and going to write a lot more and focuse on Switching Universes! so be ready for more chapters!!!


@LaVaCakeisLiFe thanks I'm happy to be back!


I am glad you are back! 


Hello I’m back well not fully I’m going to get back on writing soon I was originally going to update a new chapter on august 1st but a few family members are taking me somewhere so I won’t be able to but once I get back from it I will I promise -Tobi


I’m so sorry I haven’t been updating anything I’ve just been really busy the past weeks and stuff and I have decided that I’m not going to be writing childhood any more only I don’t have any ideas for it and I was really crappy ssooo but I’m soon to start up and at it again when I get the time just be patient with me please