
can’t believe it took me so long to notice but does anybody here have any tea on katya and eden? my dms are open 


@cryingforhelp_trixya totally agree, it really doesn’t seem like something she’d do!


Trixie still follows Eden! I think it most likely wasn’t a falling out but Eden made it clear she was a private person and I assumed all the attention just became too much for her and she moved on to another endeavour. I believe Katya probably just unfollowed her so that her profile wouldn’t be so accessible to T&K fans, Katya doesn’t seem like she’d unfollow someone just because of an argument. Eden also still has pics of Katya up, i assume Katya just wanted to be respectful of Eden and help her get the attention off


@jadethekiller_22 yeah, i did see that! it makes sense… but i did like eden, she literally inspired me to write my first book here. and i do get curious about it because they seemed to get along so well, but i guess we won’t be hearing about it for now at least…


can’t believe it took me so long to notice but does anybody here have any tea on katya and eden? my dms are open 


@cryingforhelp_trixya totally agree, it really doesn’t seem like something she’d do!


Trixie still follows Eden! I think it most likely wasn’t a falling out but Eden made it clear she was a private person and I assumed all the attention just became too much for her and she moved on to another endeavour. I believe Katya probably just unfollowed her so that her profile wouldn’t be so accessible to T&K fans, Katya doesn’t seem like she’d unfollow someone just because of an argument. Eden also still has pics of Katya up, i assume Katya just wanted to be respectful of Eden and help her get the attention off


@jadethekiller_22 yeah, i did see that! it makes sense… but i did like eden, she literally inspired me to write my first book here. and i do get curious about it because they seemed to get along so well, but i guess we won’t be hearing about it for now at least…


there’s something so complex about being here for this (i only started liking t&k like 3 years ago) and I can remember thinking how difficult it must have been for the fans during the moving parts era (for katya too obviously) to see it happening. seeing someone who’s helped and enlightened you sm struggle and you can’t really do nothing in return just hits different. idk I’m just proud of her for realizing she needed help so she can find herself again. she’s really strong and I admire her a lot. 


yeah yeah… totally agree! 


it really is kinda heartbreaking to see her struggle, but you can also tell that she knows herself and is doing everything to prevent anything worse from happening… hopefully she feels all the love & support we have for her! 


hey guys! 
          so, I may have a holiday gift for you… 
          I started writing the first chapter for this story a while ago and I planned to only publish it once I was done with I kinda hope they catch us, but I’m so excited about it that I probably won’t wait. 
          what do you guys think? ;)