
Hey,it's been a while lol....but in case anyone is curious I am working on the next chapter of Escape. I know it's been forever, but my life went insane last year. This year is looking to be pretty crazy for me to, but the good crazy. Last year was the bad crazy.
          	Because everything under the sun is happening this year regular updates probably won't be back. Plus, I'm think about editing Escape because I almost exclusively right in third-person now, however Escape is in first. 
          	Anyway, the next chapter will be shorter since it's a bit of a time skip so hopefully I can get it out for you guys soon. 
          	Thank you for being understanding.
          	- Love CECE ❤️


Hey,it's been a while lol....but in case anyone is curious I am working on the next chapter of Escape. I know it's been forever, but my life went insane last year. This year is looking to be pretty crazy for me to, but the good crazy. Last year was the bad crazy.
          Because everything under the sun is happening this year regular updates probably won't be back. Plus, I'm think about editing Escape because I almost exclusively right in third-person now, however Escape is in first. 
          Anyway, the next chapter will be shorter since it's a bit of a time skip so hopefully I can get it out for you guys soon. 
          Thank you for being understanding.
          - Love CECE ❤️


Oh my god! I just looked and Escape is #3 in young mother. Thank you to everyone of my readers and supports. I love you all and am so thankful for all of you. I don't know what I would do with all the crazy stories and ideas in my head if I didn't know that I could write it and people would enjoy it. You guys are seriously the best.
          - I LOVE ALL OF YOU CECE ❤️


the tag is #youngmother in case anyone wants to look for books that might be similar to mine while you wait for the next update of Escape.


I've added trigger warning's to chapter's of Escape. Let me know if there are anymore places I should add them. I apologize for not adding them sooner. Certain things that Rowan has gone through are based off things I've gone through and writing and reading about experiences and traumatizing things similar to my own has never triggered me. I usually only get triggered by things in the "real world". However, it was ignorant of me to assume that everyone's triggers and possible triggers are like mine. Let me know if there are anymore trigger warnings I should add to either of my books. And neither Escape nor Assassinate are discontinued. I just have a lot going on and haven't had much motivation. But, I'm currently writing the next chapter of Escape.
          - Love CECE


Hey, I know I've been gone for a while and I make no promises for coming back regularly. However, Chapter 6 of Escape is out now and I'm excited for this one. We get more of an insight on how Rowan's town worked and what her parents were like. Let me know what you think of this chapter. 


I just want to thank all of my readers. I’ve officially hit 500 reads on Escape. I’m so happy that you all enjoy my book and thank you all so much for your support. 
          Also, they were able to fix the internet early. So, I can keep writing. 
          Love you all 