
I haven't been very well recently. I want to feel better


Hey guys. Certainly been a while…
          I’ve been off this app for quite some time. I’ve been struggling to find love for a long time, and I found it. I used to use this app so I could get a taste of that feeling. And I finally got the real deal. And it was amazing and beautiful, and I didn’t need to be in a fantasy because what I had was real life and it was all mine. Unfortunately, all good things come to end. It pained me to let him go. It truly was the right person, but clearly not the right time. Now it’s like I’ve come back here to relive that love again. I know this sounds really selfish of me. But I’ve truly grown from when I first discovered this app. And I guess I’m finding myself back to square 1. I’ll probably be more active on here due to my state. So sorry for my absence 
          And just remember, life sucks. We’re gonna get hurt and we’re gonna get stabbed. But it’s not the pain that’s important, it’s the fact that you survived it.


This b!tch had her first kiss y’all…
          Also sorry I’ve been so inactive 


@diygirl345 yesss congrats!!


Y’all, I’m meeting Natewantstobattle tomorrow….


@-DIRTYCRIM3KEI I got vip2 concert tickets


@flor1128 hello again! If you’re available, would you likely to continue? (I’m also using a different conversation thing because the other one was getting pretty full lol)


@diygirl345 i don't mind))
            Flor laughed softly "what about Cherry? I heard she's single" she commented as she looked at the menu.
            Johnny smiled at Tilly as he soon laughed at Ponyboy's comment.


@Flor1128 sorry for late response! Do you mind if we pick this up another time?
            “True” soda said as he showed the menu to Flor while rubbing her waist.
            Tilly smiled as she rested her head on Johnny’s shoulder and rested her hand on Johnny’s arm. 
            “I swear you four are making me feel so single right now.” Ponyboy blurted as he watched his friends cuddle close with one another


            Flor laid her head on Sodapop's shoulder as she glanced at the menu. She sighed happily "it teaches Ponyboy not to get in a fight" she added.
            Johnny laughed softly at the others and he soon gently wrapped his arm around Tilly's waist, bring her closer to him.


@flor1128 we can Rp on here if you don’t mind


@diygirl345  of course it is))
            Flor soon finished her coffee and she poured it into a mug, taking a small sip from the blue mug.
            Johnny sighed softly "same thing all the time. I ruined their marriage and their lives by being born" he muttered.


            “Yup. It’s been a bit since I’ve worked at the shop. So I’m excited to be back.” Soda said as he ate a piece of Steve’s cake.
            “Aw, sorry to hear that Johnny. If you’re alright with me asking, can I ask what happened?” Tilly asked as she squeezed his hand 
            (It’s getting a bit late on my end. Is it alright if we pause again and pick this up another time?)


            Flor started to make her coffee and she put her hair up in a ponytail for work. She yawned softly as she leaned her back against the wall.
            Johnny shrugged "okay, but the morning wasn't so good..." he mumbled as he walked with her and he looked down at the ground.