
/        cb n spec!! im logged on just for ally.. long sigh


/   curious on boothill 


“   a promise is a promise..   i'm still here,   ”  


♢٫̷     @eicelaist,    “    (..)─┄‎┄‎what would you do without me?    ”   a sigh,      she speaks her thoughts aloud.    whether it was pity or pure sympathy,     their desires for luna's presence was enough to lead her to abandon her work.     whilst one hand held her mask,   the other reached out.   to their wings her hand lays upon,   gentle fingers stroke their plumes one by one.  this was luna's way of bringing comfort to calm their emotions. 


@maskfoole,            ⋆  their head was bowed, expression anguished. but movement has him raising her head once more, gaze meeting that of his saviour. and so does their smile return, broken and weak but no less /there/. her voice revealing his relief.  ⋆            thank you, my lady.. i — -       you are my everything, i.. would never leave you.


♢٫̷     @eicelaist,    stay?    a daring request to speak.   the wear of her mask was a sign that the masked fool was at work,   and not to be interrupted.      (oh,    if only they could see the emptiness of her expression..)      but could she   [really]    ignore their pleas?     her actions spoke louder than her silence;    a hand lifts to her mask,   removing it to reveal her face to him.    “    there,   there──—     i'm not going anywhere.     ”  


“    don't you recognize me?     ..     it's [M͟E͟],    ”
          *   luna taking on the form of sparkle   :3 


♢٫̷     @eicelaist,    “   no need,   ”    luna was quick to deny their request without second thought,   brushing it off as if the question was never asked.     “   your loyalty is already satisfactory enough.    i'll let the other puppets finish this task for me,   “    fluorescent pink orifices glanced over.    a pace picks up on her feet again,    slowly but surely───she begins to circle around the halovian.       “    use this time to rest up your wings.     i'll need you to accompany on the next,   because unlike them..      i can trust you,    and i need you to trust me too.  ”       


@maskfoole,            i.. was merely bored,          ⋆  she murmurs, one of the halovian's wings coming to cover his mouth in embarrassment. it's just a /book/, really, nothing to be ashamed of. but they seemed to be shy nevertheless, closing the book and sliding it back within the long robes he wore. and they bow towards the masked fool, every move deliberate and respectful.  ⋆           do you need my help with something, my lady.. ? or [perhaps], need i surrender myself to you?
            /          by that he means letting her control them as her puppet!! just to clarify :3


♢٫̷     @eicelaist,    with her now shorter stature,   luna abandons her current task to make her way towards her dearest puppet.    “    save your apologies when they are truly needed,     ”      a    (gentle?)   warning at most,    her words had little to no harm.     she even adds in a nice,   warm smile to further secure her words.      “     so..      this is how you keep yourself entertained whilst i'm gone?    (..)    i've been watching you,   lydus.     ” 


/        hi.. i remembered this existed. cb n spec


*   on  jingliu  :D 


;;   CHAR !? ( gimme pleek .. curious or amused heheh )


/        ill try to drop this time.. school is so tiring