
Haven't posted any stories for a while and the main reason I never posted a complete actually story of my own was because I was afraid it wasn't good enough. I learned today that I just need to take a leap of faith. Please go check out What Cannot Be Heard! Would love to hear your feed back!


Haven't posted any stories for a while and the main reason I never posted a complete actually story of my own was because I was afraid it wasn't good enough. I learned today that I just need to take a leap of faith. Please go check out What Cannot Be Heard! Would love to hear your feed back!


Okay, so for the following weeks please don't expect an update from A Thousand Miles on Thursdays because my schedule is pretty tight that I barley have time to think. So please bear with me. There will be an update each week but right now there is no official date for it. 


Hey guys, I'll try to update the chapter for A Thousand Miles tomorrow. I'm starting on a new play really soon and not only am I assistant director but also one of the stage managers. I hope you guys can understand this and the reasoning for possible delays on future parts.


Ur username is amazing lmao  


Hahaha sameee I love divergent and PLL 


@manda_eliza Thanks haha I needed something that said Divergent but everything was taken so I decided to add PLL for Pretty Little Liars. My main Fandoms 