
Just remembered that my playlist is public but for any Camren readers or just fanfic readers in general, I have a nearly 10 hr playlist on Spotify to listen to while reading/writing. It's called Camren fanfic made by Renee Jones 


Just remembered that my playlist is public but for any Camren readers or just fanfic readers in general, I have a nearly 10 hr playlist on Spotify to listen to while reading/writing. It's called Camren fanfic made by Renee Jones 


It's been forever but I updated my norminah story, love in ruins. If anyone has been reading it from the get go, they'll probably have to start over lol that's how big the gaps between updates are but it's all good. I'm wrapping it up soon so go check it out if you want!


help me remember this fic please! I'm like 93% sure it's camren and they were volunteering at a kids (idk who's kid. Theirs? One of their siblings? Idk!) school for halloween and they were paired together to scare the kids....I think it was their kid...maybe. Clearly idk! Just some one help please lmao


@divadeja14 also if I'm remembering anything correctly, the kid was dressed like piglet or something. Wait tigger! I'm like 90% sure they were tigger


Ok someone help me. There's a norminah fic on here somewhere where Normani has cancer and is hiding it from everyone and she tells dinah by ripping her wig off. What is it?! Cause I can't find it


@BN_AR_XCII it def was which is why i need to find it some how


I don’t know what this is but this sounds mad wild. 