
fuckin school again )): 


Hi. I still remember how we first met. Whenever i look back, i somehow think that it's kinda funny, we reached this far. How's life? Is it getting even just a little better for you? It's not for me but i'm still surviving and i hope you are and you will too. Thank you, you saved me back then. You were my diary, my best friend, my dude, my "man", my bro, you were the best and you still are. Thank you for reaching a hand out to me when no one else did. Thank you for being a friend when no one else was. Thank you for being there when everyone else was letting me down. I won't ever forget. I'm taking the long way home again. Still lost, never found. If your lost too, let's take the long way home together. I'm still here for you! 4 freakin' years, can you believe that? I can't, time goes by too fast. Life gets shitty and i still cant get used to it. I'll find another way. Happy beerdaaayyyyy!! I hope your life gets better, i hope it will. Never stop hoping. You're gonna make it, you're strong so i know you will. Love ya! -Dee ❤


@itsdeevious HALA OH MY GOSH i love you!