
Hello everyone! So I'm going to go on hiatus from the whole month of September all the way to 10 October. My finals are coming soon and this app has been taking up a large part of my daily life. I want to focus on my studies for now, since they are my number one priority and Wattpad is a huge distraction.
          	I started being active since June and I love Wattpad so much, it's almost painful to part with it (;-;) and I've made so many friends, but I need to focus on what is more important, and real life for now. 
          	Anyways, I promise to be back soon, just 38 (I think) days of being inactive (if I haven't went bonkers from studying lmao). All my stories will be on hold, I won't be updating them anytime soon until I get back. I will not be replying to any messages, sorry! To all my friends - I LOVE YOU AND DON'T FORGET ME (lmao I act like I'm famous when I only legit have less than 10 friends T_T) and to all my readers- DUN WORRY, I PROMISE I WILL UPDATE WHEN I GET BACK. 
          	Bye ~ ♡


I’ll keep the potato’s safe while your away! Keep up the good work gurl!!!


@dinoster- Good luck gurl!


Ily good luck on your stuides


Kayyyy omg it's zandra, how have you been ?? ❤❤


@GOOGIEGGUKS no one should ever feel that way tho. If you ever wanna talk about anything, my inbox is always open for you okie? :)  


this message may be offensive
@dinoster- im good as well. well actually, ive been feeling like shit alot but i always feel that way so SiGh 


@GOOGIEGGUKS I'm good, thanks :) how are you? ♡ 


Hi! :) ❤️


@AnnabelHerondale Okay. That's great!
            Thanks, friend. Ily. :) 


@AnnabelHerondale OMG I am so sorry I have not replied to you for days I didn't see this until recently. I'm good, thanks ^_^ if you're feeling down, you can always talk to me I'll be happy to listen :) Glad to hear you're picking yourself back up, and let's look forward and be positive for 2019 and what it brings! Okay this just turned weirdly motivational whoops XD  


@dinoster I've felt pretty down lately. But I'm working on picking myself back up.
            How are you? :) 


Hello everyone! So I'm going to go on hiatus from the whole month of September all the way to 10 October. My finals are coming soon and this app has been taking up a large part of my daily life. I want to focus on my studies for now, since they are my number one priority and Wattpad is a huge distraction.
          I started being active since June and I love Wattpad so much, it's almost painful to part with it (;-;) and I've made so many friends, but I need to focus on what is more important, and real life for now. 
          Anyways, I promise to be back soon, just 38 (I think) days of being inactive (if I haven't went bonkers from studying lmao). All my stories will be on hold, I won't be updating them anytime soon until I get back. I will not be replying to any messages, sorry! To all my friends - I LOVE YOU AND DON'T FORGET ME (lmao I act like I'm famous when I only legit have less than 10 friends T_T) and to all my readers- DUN WORRY, I PROMISE I WILL UPDATE WHEN I GET BACK. 
          Bye ~ ♡


I’ll keep the potato’s safe while your away! Keep up the good work gurl!!!


@dinoster- Good luck gurl!


Ily good luck on your stuides