
Ok. Hi. Sorry. I know I've been off this for like forever. Really sorry. Forgive me *puppy dog eyes*.
          	Anyways just sorta wondering what you'd all think if I was to say I maybe, sorta, definitely, started a rewrite for Worlds Away. Should I post a bit for ye to read and see what ye think or should I just drop it all together? I mean I'm almost caught up with the original so I dunno.
          	(It's called Ennui and it's pretty much the same but — I think — it's better? I dunno.)
          	Figured I'd ask before I did anything.
          	Again sorry for being away so long and sorry this post is so long (╥_╥). 
          	- Dino.


@dinosaur_goes-rawr I know I am like REALLY late but yesssss please!!


you alive??


@MarieJazmineIsla2 aw thank youuuu <3 I am working on the next Ennui chapter but it's slow going and things keep getting in the way :o


@dinosaur_goes-rawr anyways, I love your works! especially the bsd and jjk crossover. hope you'll continue it <3


Hi! Sorry to bother. I want to message u privately but I just thought you might find that awkward lmao
          I really love your book Ennui! It's just makes me smile and feel all giddy like a lovesick teenager. I'm also invested with the plot and how things would unfold between the characters. (And also if Gojo's ever coming back or he bringing his kids to BSD world hshs)
          Hoping to see any updates soon, but take your sweet time! ♡


@weepingmaemae Great to hear that you're working back up with the book! We'll wait for you patiently (while clenching fists lmao) thank u for your reply!


@weepingmaemae Hiii! You can message me privately anytime you want don't worry 'bout that haha. I'm always down to chit-chat XD
            Thank you so much. It's amazing to know you're enjoying Ennui so much. You've just made my day, dude. 
            I hope I can sort out an update at some point soon but that's a shot in the dark when it comes to me, I'm an incredibly slow writer and my muse is a fickle thing :<
            Thank you again and I hope you have a great day :D


Hello. Are you still on hiatus?


@htaed_76 Yeah, sorry. A few fics are on hiatus and will likely remain that way for some time. Which is the one you're interested in, and maybe I can give you a vague - very vague idea of when I may begin updating it again? 
            I'm really sorry about this whole thing 