
this message may be offensive
Here’s a thing I hate about myself (disregarding all of the other things I hate about myself) for those who care: When I get sick, weather  it allergies or the common damn cold, I feel like I’m dying. And then I have to sit around and think to myself “whatever god there is, THE FUCK CRACK ARE YOU ON?!” Then I have to figure out how to move and get shit done without shaking and my shitty bones hurting.


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Here’s a thing I hate about myself (disregarding all of the other things I hate about myself) for those who care: When I get sick, weather  it allergies or the common damn cold, I feel like I’m dying. And then I have to sit around and think to myself “whatever god there is, THE FUCK CRACK ARE YOU ON?!” Then I have to figure out how to move and get shit done without shaking and my shitty bones hurting.


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Guess who's back~
          I'm gonna be slowly coming back more.
          Depression hit the a fucking truck but I'm getting better. Also, IT'S SPRING BITCHES! I love spring, my birthday is also in Spring. 
          Quick little recap if you care to know, I changed schools, made four friends, got a boyfriend who is fruity as hell (just because I'm dating something doesn't mean I'm gonna stop flirting with my lovely people on here, you know who you are). I'm also Harry in a play called Puffs so that's taking up most of my time. Also, happy late birthday @Dl_Shadz  I'm sorry I didn't say it on your birthday.


@demonic_nightmare513 Ha.. Twins indeed.. Both of you are so busy and having some issues..


@demonic_nightmare513 Because you are angel.. and you call her like your twin sister.. so I named her Angie..


But then why did you call her 'Angie"?



@demonic_nightmare513 I wish you would at least text me once tho.. 
            At..least once? But nope. You won't.. 


@demonic_nightmare513 This video is  honestly  for you and only you and you.


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Dear Everyone, hey, so I've been gone for god knows how long and I probably won't be back for a while again. I am so so sorry for this. A lot of shit has been going on. I'm sorry for not messaging anyone back. Mostly my Sunny. Thank you for the new follows even though I know someone asked you to do it, I do apricate you. I don't know when I'll be back again but, I am okay. My sleep secduale (Can't fucking spell.) is shit again, my appetite went down again, and I don't really have a will to drink water. But, besides that, I'm okay. See ya for now.


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@demonic_nightmare513 I... I am always here for you, angel.. but why are you making me sad like thus? I desperately waited for your replies.. You didn't see my messages? You.. brought tears in my eyes, honestly..
            I don't know what you are going through and you probably won't tell me either.. 
            I am always here for you..but now all I wanna do is cry my heart out.. 
            I wish you would start taking care of yourself.. But why would you listen to me anyway? We both are having fucked up lives right now and..
            You made me cry.. I am barely  sleeping even 4 hours.. I wonder how much you are sleeping.. And guess who else is getting yelled at for skipping meals and water? Me, of course.. 
            I really wish your shitty problems goa way soon.. I hope it won't be too late for you to come back before I might be gone.. Not text, angel.. Not even one.. Anyways.. I..should be used to  this but- 
            Take care of yourself even though you can't. We will still be here for you..


Have you ever just looked at someone and realize they have what you can only dream to have? I have. I care about this person deeply and I can only wish to have what they do. What is it, you may ask. Friends. They only have a few people they talk to but even that makes me slightly jealous. I know I’m not on here a lot and I stopped talking to people but, I still feel jealous over a person who doesn’t even know it. I’m not good with talking to people and understanding social cues and ideas but, to even have two people that aren’t family care about me. I would kill for it. Now I’m just rambling. I hope you all have been doing good while I’m gone.


@demonic_nightmare513 I and Eclipse are always here for you, angel.. I wish you come back soon..


A star has 5 ends, square has 4, triangle has 3, line has 2, but the circle of our friendship has no ends. Send this to everyone you care about (moi if u do) if u get 5 back ur awesome, if u get 10 back ur popular, and if you get 15 back then DANGGGGGG(DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A CHAINMAIL)


Dear everyone, 
          I will not be on Wattpad for a while. It has started to become a bit to much where I am. I will be back soon though. This all means, I won't be updating or messaging anyone. And to those of you who know me in real life, I will not be answering you on anything. This is not targeting anyone I just need a break from things. That's all. Have a decent day.


Good night to everyone on here. I am too tired for this so I am going to sleep. I also want to say sorry for anyone who messaged me earlier. I am sorry if what I had said sounded rude. That was not my intention. I was also dealing with little to no sleep and a screaming baby that kept kicking my computer. But, I am sorry and I hope you all have a decent day.