
I know you're probably wondering where my fanfics have gone. 
          	I deleted them. 
          	Flat out. No sugar-coating. I felt that they didn't go along with Rick Riordan's story of Percy Jackson, and I felt the characters just weren't themselves. 
          	Maybe you guys didn't think so. But I did. 
          	And the other one, Harmony, was deleted because the original story was deleted. If anyone tried to read it, they'd be confused trying to find the real story, which is also gone. 
          	I really intended for this account to be for real stories only. No fanfictions. 
          	So if you enjoyed those, I'm sorry. I didn't, and I felt like something like that shouldn't have been out for anyone to read. 
          	I will be posting new stories soon. One is called Death Wish, which hopefully I will post on Friday. The other is called Fences, and I think that one will take a bit more time to write. 
          	Thanks guys. Feel free to PM me anytime. ✌️


I know you're probably wondering where my fanfics have gone. 
          I deleted them. 
          Flat out. No sugar-coating. I felt that they didn't go along with Rick Riordan's story of Percy Jackson, and I felt the characters just weren't themselves. 
          Maybe you guys didn't think so. But I did. 
          And the other one, Harmony, was deleted because the original story was deleted. If anyone tried to read it, they'd be confused trying to find the real story, which is also gone. 
          I really intended for this account to be for real stories only. No fanfictions. 
          So if you enjoyed those, I'm sorry. I didn't, and I felt like something like that shouldn't have been out for anyone to read. 
          I will be posting new stories soon. One is called Death Wish, which hopefully I will post on Friday. The other is called Fences, and I think that one will take a bit more time to write. 
          Thanks guys. Feel free to PM me anytime. ✌️


@demigodbotfighter :) It's fine. (I haven't even read any of your stories XD)


          She's our star today! 
          I think I might begin a thing where I look through my followers and send a shoutout every week or so to the one with the best stories. Kind of like my own competition. I'll make a story about it, and you can enter to win a shoutout every week. 
          Anyways, @mythology_nerd21 is one of the greatest writers I know. She's written an incredible Outsiders Fanfiction, so go check that out, please. She deserves the reads. Love you all, followers!