
Just published the second chapter! I’m really sorry about my absence, but with school and everything I couldn’t write. I hope you’ll like it


Alright, hello! I saw that a bunch of people from tiktok started following me after i talked about the fanfiction i am currently writing, so i wanted to ask you something really important. How long should I write for a chapter? How many words should i write, because really, i have no idea. I am writing right now but i don’t know if you want long, but few chapters, or short but lot of chapters, so yeah let me know. Also, my first language is italian, so be ready to read a lot of grammatical mistakes if you intent to read my ff (i don’t know when i will start to publish it)


I personally like not too long chapters like in the middle but I think it is really up to you how log you want to write and everything :)  