
          	Hey guys I know it’s been a while and because of that I’ve lost some valuable key readers and for that I sincerely apologise :-( 
          	I had to take a break to focus on things outside of reading but now I’m back with a new book that I’ve written from my heart that I feel I need the world to read called A Miracle In Disguise. 
          	I would really appreciate it if you could read it and share your views on it. 
          	Stay blessed x 


          Hey guys I know it’s been a while and because of that I’ve lost some valuable key readers and for that I sincerely apologise :-( 
          I had to take a break to focus on things outside of reading but now I’m back with a new book that I’ve written from my heart that I feel I need the world to read called A Miracle In Disguise. 
          I would really appreciate it if you could read it and share your views on it. 
          Stay blessed x 


Hey guys, I just wanted you all to know...
          That you're special
          that you're worth it.
          You're wanted and loved even at times when you feel unloved.
          Whatever you're going through- any tribulations or troubles.
          There's always going to be a light at the end of the tunnel.
          Don't lose hope, keep fighting!
          Keep your head up and don't let anyone see the worst side of you, 
          don't let them get the satisfaction of seeing you fail.
          Prove those who doubted you wrong.
          And remember to have faith and believe in yourself.
          Have a wonderful day with that positive mindset.


HIIIII!! I really luv your profile picture, just to say... <3 Its BEAUTIFULL!!


@Vicleeqw Sure!! I am sure you are an amazing author!! :DD


@Vicleeqw Ah thank you! That mean a lot! Please feel free to also check out my story and share your opinions on them ✨ 


Hey guys, 
          I won't be doing Sunday and Monday quotes anymore because I'm far too busy with schoolwork and revisions, 
          I'm also really sorry that I haven't updated my 2 stories in a while, but hopefully by this week, at least a chapter from 1 of the books will be completed