
Those of you who are Stu Macher/Matthew Lillard fans, check out my Stu Macher fanfic, Tainted Love. 
          	I've been having a lot of inspo for the book lately and there's good chapters right now so check it out if you guys'd like. 


Those of you who are Stu Macher/Matthew Lillard fans, check out my Stu Macher fanfic, Tainted Love. 
          I've been having a lot of inspo for the book lately and there's good chapters right now so check it out if you guys'd like. 


I'm back from my hiatus! I'll be publishing again so expect updates on my books! 
          I feel a lot better after what happened but I'm going to be backing up all of my stories so this does not happen again. 
          I just published a new chapter on Tainted Love and a new chapter of Malia Milkovich will be up soon. 
          I'm back, baby! 


I just lost my Random Smut book! I am literally crying rn!!!! 
          I know someone reported it! Whoever did, you literally took my book away. One of the first books I've ever written! I worked so hard on it and for you to report it and have it deleted, I'm sorry but SCREW YOU! 
          That was my baby! That was where Malia Milkovich came from! Whoever did this, you have caused me great pain. And I know a lot will say, "It's just a book, you could write another one". But that was where I got the passion for writing and now it's just gone. 
          I've worked so hard and now it feels like it was for nothing! So, thank you! Thank you for making me cry and hurt like I am right now. 
          I think I'll be taking a break from Wattpad. Don't expect any updates. 


bro who the hell would do that? if they don’t like the book, they could have just stopped reading it. or blocked tags that have sexual content. this is bs to a higher level. that’s ridiculous. i’m so sorry that happened to you. don’t give up on writing, but please take a break. 


@deanlover275 I totally understand that pain. I'm sorry someone did that to you dear. I hope you don't lose your love for writing because of this. Take all the time you need. I'm sorry again that people can be so cruel.


this message may be offensive
WHY DID NONE OF Y'ALL TELL ME ABOUT "The Curve"? I just watched it and Matthew Lillard was a fucking sex god in that movie! 
          Especially that scene with Emma.... *sighs in whining pleasure* 
          So, you know what's coming! That's right, there will be a chapter on Tim in the Random Smut book. 
          Sorry, but I can't resist! He's just TOO hot!
          Be on the lookout for that chapter AND a new surprise book! 


So, I just watched Scream and was wondering if I should include a Stu Macher chapter in the Random Smut book? 
          I'm only asking because I think Matthew Lillard looks good in this role. But, I won't do it if y'all aren't into it. 
          I'll write a Billy Loomis one too, if you guys want. 


Hi I love your ian gallagher x fem Milkovich story, I’m sorry you got such back lash from it, I was just wondering if your going to finish off season 11? 


Ahh okay that’s no problem at all 


So, just expect Season 11 chapters to be uploaded at random. 


@Kaseyshane As I mentioned in my announcement in the book, I'm gonna write chapters that feel right to me which means I'll just be uploading random chapters from random seasons. But I'll be putting them in order ofc, so y'all don't get confused. 


Hey, guys. Sorry I haven't been updating but I've just been so busy with school that I hardly have time to write at all.
          But there's a new chapter of Malia Milkovich available in just a few moments.
          My phone got taken away so I'll be updating from my laptop.
          Thanks for sticking by me all these months.
          Hope y'all have a great day, evening, night, wherever you are. 


Hi @deanlover275, this is @LunaHiku72, I love your books and am sorry about how much hate you getting on the Ian Gallagher book, which makes no sense because all you're doing is just rewriting the plot in your story. I think it's awesome that you created a story that explores a different avenue of Mickey as a woman. I'm sorry that not many people can see it or are ignorant of it. I am sorry that you feel the way you are feeling, and you are justified. Just please don't delete this story. It has so much potential and if people can't see that, f them. People are gonna hate things that don't fit their ideals, and if you let them win, they are always gonna win. 
          My advice to you as a fellow writer and you can choose to ignore it, that's fine, is to focus on the positive and less on the negative. People aren't always gonna like what you write and have an opinion to drag you down. And let me tell you another thing, I am personally writing a female Ian story which I am gonna publish someday. And when I do, I'm not gonna let them win. I'm sorry that they are dragging you down, you do not deserve it. 
          Feel free to message me @LunaHiku72. I'm always hear to lead an ear. Have a great day, evening, night, wherever you are.


I am so close to deleting the Ian Gallagher book. 
          I swear, if the comments don't stop, I am going to delete it. 
          Those of you that enjoy the book, I'm sorry but all of this has to stop. 
          I am tired of saying that my book is FICTION!!!! I see so many books of Ian being straight and I DID NOT make him straight!!! 
          I made the book to be that Malia is the ONLY girl he sleeps with. The ONLY girl he loves. He always sleeps with men when she's not around because she's the ONLY girl he feels sexually comfortable with. 
          So, either the comments stop or I'm deleting the book.