
I wrote a poem for my English class inspired my pinwheel and kidult hehe. We had to present it too.
          	My teacher liked it apparently (a lot more than I expected) which gave me more confidence in it as I didn’t really like it before. And I feel like sharing it !!
          	Pinwheels symbolise the innocence and purity of a child
          	That can be moved with a gentle brush of the wind
          	For they are sensitive and fragile
          	Always been playful and imagined
          	They come in different colors and sizes
          	Each to one’s own liking
          	And all which are precious
          	To each individual’s feelings
          	It’s just like children
          	Diverse, playful, and imaginative
          	Which can be easily broken
          	Because they are sensitive
          	Everyone has their own pinwheel
          	Has their own desires and wants to cry
          	That goes hidden once someone grows and starts to know what’s real
          	Hidden deep inside and is blind to the eye
          	I feel that I have grown too fast
          	And my pinwheel has hidden not in me, but from me
          	I want to go back to the past
          	Back to when I was a child and be free
          	Where has my pinwheel gone?
          	I can’t find it anywhere
          	I’ve been searching night until dawn
          	How much longer do I need to live this nightmare?
          	I’ve lost myself, my energy to cry
          	I’m burdened by the reality of this world
          	I just want to lay lazily in the silky, stunning sky
          	On a cloud as if I’m not already crippled
          	I miss the old days
          	Of being innocent and pure
          	Going at my own pace
          	With no hardships to endure


I wrote a poem for my English class inspired my pinwheel and kidult hehe. We had to present it too.
          My teacher liked it apparently (a lot more than I expected) which gave me more confidence in it as I didn’t really like it before. And I feel like sharing it !!
          Pinwheels symbolise the innocence and purity of a child
          That can be moved with a gentle brush of the wind
          For they are sensitive and fragile
          Always been playful and imagined
          They come in different colors and sizes
          Each to one’s own liking
          And all which are precious
          To each individual’s feelings
          It’s just like children
          Diverse, playful, and imaginative
          Which can be easily broken
          Because they are sensitive
          Everyone has their own pinwheel
          Has their own desires and wants to cry
          That goes hidden once someone grows and starts to know what’s real
          Hidden deep inside and is blind to the eye
          I feel that I have grown too fast
          And my pinwheel has hidden not in me, but from me
          I want to go back to the past
          Back to when I was a child and be free
          Where has my pinwheel gone?
          I can’t find it anywhere
          I’ve been searching night until dawn
          How much longer do I need to live this nightmare?
          I’ve lost myself, my energy to cry
          I’m burdened by the reality of this world
          I just want to lay lazily in the silky, stunning sky
          On a cloud as if I’m not already crippled
          I miss the old days
          Of being innocent and pure
          Going at my own pace
          With no hardships to endure