
Did you guys know that the rewrite of Silence of the Alpha is being posted every other day until Christmas? Well, now you do. It's called Luna Revealed and a new chapter just dropped. Love you guys!


All of the parts to Luna Revealed (the rewrite of Silence of the Alpha) have been scheduled! The last chapter and epilogue are actually scheduled to be released on Christmas Day :) The prologue and chapter one are available now if you want to check them out!


hi, lol. long time no see. 
          sooooooo i posted the prologue and first chapter of the SotA rewrite. it's new title is Luna Revealed. it is basically an entirely new book lol it has very few elements left from the first book.
          but i hope everyone enjoys it! i'm gonna release one chapter every 2 days, so you guys will get about 2 months of content! i didn't even realize it was 32 chapters until i was uploading it all to WP. but thank you guys for your patience!


Congratulations on your baby!!!!! I  loved your book SOTA and I’m very excited for the new story!!! No rush on getting back and looking forward to the next book, Will you be posting the story here? Wishing your and your baby’s health!!!


@Brokeb1tch07 thank you!!! baby and i are doing so well :) check out the prologue and chapter one of the rewrite! i'll be uploading a new chapter every 2 days for the next two months!


well, i guess i lied about my july/august deadline :( 
          i had a huge life change happen right after i finished rewriting SotA. i'm having a baby! so that really threw a wrench in my plans lol
          i am still editing the book and making some final changes before i decide what to do with it. i'm also still brainstorming a new title, since "Silence of the Alpha" doesn't really fit the new plot. i'm really hoping to have this done before my baby is here early next year. i'd also love to publish this on Amazon, but we'll see.
          feel free to message me if you want to chat :D always looking for insight on the rewrite.


holy crap. you guys will never believe it. the rewrite of SotA is DONE! like, i just finished the epilogue last night! i actually cried tears of joy when it was over because this has been SUCH a long time coming. 
          now, it's time for all of the editing and proofreading that comes with finishing a book. luckily, i did quite of bit of that between writing chapters. i will go through the entire book one or two more times with a fine tooth comb and make any changes i feel need to be made. then, i will have someone read over it to check for any errors i may have missed. after that, it'll be ready to post on here :D
          right now, it stands at 290 pages. i'm thinking it's going to end up staying right around there, maybe a couple of pages in either direction depending on what i decide to add or remove. it's around 94,000 words (holy crap) and that could change a bit as well.
          thank you all for going on this journey with me! like I said before: the goal is to have the prologue and first chapter ready to post in a couple of months (likely july or august) and then the rest on a schedule after that. i'm also working on a "meet the characters" page to post in the next few weeks so that everyone can get to know the characters a bit before the release of the first chapter. i may scrap that idea depending on how time-consuming editing it, but we'll see.
          love you guys and remember: my inbox is always open!