
So it's been quite sometime since I have updated any of my stories or really been on here but that was due to me being pregnant with my second child. I was quite busy with appointments and such, that and I was extremely tired most of the time. Since giving birth I just haven't had time to write much or upload but I did just upload a new chapter to Zandra and the Sorority for Half Blood Vampires though so those of you reading that can enjoy that :) I hope to be able to upload more in the coming weeks/months but please don't hold me to that as it's hard to find time to do much when you have a newborn.


So it's been quite sometime since I have updated any of my stories or really been on here but that was due to me being pregnant with my second child. I was quite busy with appointments and such, that and I was extremely tired most of the time. Since giving birth I just haven't had time to write much or upload but I did just upload a new chapter to Zandra and the Sorority for Half Blood Vampires though so those of you reading that can enjoy that :) I hope to be able to upload more in the coming weeks/months but please don't hold me to that as it's hard to find time to do much when you have a newborn.


To those of you reading Trouble in Fairyland I just want you to know that two new chapter are up and be sure to check them out. I'm hoping to upload more frequently and I should have the story completed soon. Can't wait to hear any feedback ^_^


Once again I wasn't online for quite some time and I apologized my internet was down. But while I was offline I wrote a few new chapters of my story Trouble in Fairyland. I've uploaded two just now and will upload the rest later today or tomorrow. Also I've nearly finished the story too and have a few ideas for new stories included a new genre of books so keep an eye out for that coming in the next month or so :) I hope those of you reading Trouble in Fairyland are enjoying it so far.