

Hey buddy!
          I hope you are doing well.
          Apologies for sliding into your profile, but do check out my story if time permits. It will mean a lot!❤️
          The story is complete and is more on a realistic side, which hopefully you will connect to!


Heyy. I have read the book and by far it’s one of my fave books here on wattpad ❤️


Sorry, for hampering your space.
          Here is my one-shot story. I tried something different. It will consume less of your time ;-) 
          Please, check it and give a vote and leave comments if it will worth that :-)
          Happy Reading...

          If you would like give it a space in your reading list and share it with your friends 


Heyaa, I hope you are doing well.
          If you love to read a cute romance with a tinge of banters and mischief please do give a try to my book "Falling for her". I hope it won't disappoint you plus I'm a new writer it will be a great help if you give your genuine reviews and suggestions to improve my writing. Appreciative and constructive comments are always accepted. Even feel free to let me know if something goes overboard in the story. 
          Sorry for distributing you but still if you get time do give it a shot. 


Hey buddy!
          I hope you are doing well.
          Sorry for spamming your profile, but please do check out my new story if time permits. It will mean a lot!❤️
          This story is more on a realistic side, which hopefully you will connect to!



Hey there, thank you for adding my book "You're my destiny" to your reading list. I hope you read it soon if you havent yet and Enjoy! Your love and support means a lot, do vote and comment your views if you like. Happy reading, stay tuned.