
this message may be offensive
I am leaning towards a violent revolution more and more every day. The founding fathers? Complete failures. Created a shit government that doesn't work. We need a better one.


@damnallgoodnamesgone  idk about Americans.... but I personally hate the British for what they did to the indigenous Australians. Almost 600 home, dead. Not a single member left. So keep ranting it's quite therapeutic


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No but seriously. Why the fuck can a group of nine old fucks secretly plan to take away my right to bodily autonomy and their only reason is "tradition" and I can't do a God damn thing about it? It's fucking ridiculous! Fuck you Founding Fathers! You're all idiots and your government is trash!


this message may be offensive
I am leaning towards a violent revolution more and more every day. The founding fathers? Complete failures. Created a shit government that doesn't work. We need a better one.


@damnallgoodnamesgone  idk about Americans.... but I personally hate the British for what they did to the indigenous Australians. Almost 600 home, dead. Not a single member left. So keep ranting it's quite therapeutic


this message may be offensive
No but seriously. Why the fuck can a group of nine old fucks secretly plan to take away my right to bodily autonomy and their only reason is "tradition" and I can't do a God damn thing about it? It's fucking ridiculous! Fuck you Founding Fathers! You're all idiots and your government is trash!


Got my wisdom teeth out today, and I'm looking and feeling very chipmunk-esque. Also very achy, but that's to be expected considering I got my teeth stolen from me very forcefully.


@SpunkyasQuiznak Love you too! Yeah, my dad brought me a ton of popsicles and ice cream, so I'll be enjoying those


@damnallgoodnamesgone I'm sorry about that! Getting your wisdom teeth taken out wasn't fun from what I remember. I recommend eating lots of popsicles. :3 You still look super cute though! I love you!


Hey, um. Are you still doing your hobbies that you enjoy? I noticed you kind of have been gone?


@damnallgoodnamesgone Thank goodness❤️! Phew!


@CinneIsAsexual Don't worry! That's not something you ever have to be scared about


@damnallgoodnamesgone Oh, that’s good❤️! I was scared you k-lled yourself! 


So, a fun fact about me is that I am a horror fanatic. I avidly consume all things spooky and thus adore Halloween. And because I'm an impatient person, I'm celebrating early and changing my banner and pic to something appropriate.
          "But Avie, what's so spooky about this awful shade of yellow and all those drawn women?" I'm glad you asked, person that doesn't exist! These are artwork from the covers of The Yellow Wallpaper, a short horror story by feminist Charlotte Perkins Gilman. It's regarded as an incredibly influential piece of early feminist literature, and on top of that, it's very creepy. I can't recommend it enough, and it's free to read online!
          So have a wonderfully spooky season, everyone, and make sure you enjoy everything it has to offer. <3


Wattpad seriously needs to fix it's racism problem. The fact that users can call POC writers the n word and not get banned is a disgrace.


@damnallgoodnamesgone Say it for the monarchs in the back


@BREEZY-COCAINE Yep. It makes it easier to periodically check the account and report the terrible things they say. Plus, if they decide to change their name, I'll still be able to find them.


So, the horrific human rights violation that are the Texas abortion laws have left me stunned. Like, I cannot muster the energy to be anything but numb at this point. All I can really say is donate to Texas abortion funds, support organizations fighting for proper healthcare, and let AFAB people have bodily autonomy.


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@tsukis_fboy_face I'm lucky enough to live in Colorado, which has pretty loose abortion laws, and I really wish that was the standard. Let's do our best to fight this shit!


@damnallgoodnamesgone i live in texas and my whole family is outraged. my dad is the most pissed, considering he had two daughters that can be victims of rape and sexual assault.


@QueenShay0001 Donate to abortion funds so that they can fight to reverse those laws and give AFAB people bodily autonomy again.


Excuse me, I'm sorry if I'm bothering, but I would appreciate it if you took the time to read my "Stay away from Paint_Stains" book and stay away from the user Paint_Stains (aka Mel). They are a manipulative person (for a minor, jesus christ, adults being manipulative is already enough, we don't need MINORS doing the same-). I know you're already a young adult, but please stay away from them anyways because they aren't safe to be around. You're most likely immune to their manipulations, but I still just want you to be safe anyways because...you know, manipulation sucks. If you ARE planning on confronting them, take screenshots so you won't get gaslighted by them! It's always the smart move when having a confrontation with someone who can easily turn people on you. Thank you. I will also link the 1st book that started all of this...as it is better at explaining than me.


@damnallgoodnamesgone Exactly! I didn't even respond to Paint_Stains after I made the book, as I even put it in my book I want nothing to do with them until they have changed for the better, but geez, that turned out well- :(


@CinneIsAsexual If they wanted to be done with drama then why reply? It would be easier to just mute people and move on


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@damnallgoodnamesgone and holy shit, if they send their followers after me, I swear- (I shake a lot when getting into fights, so this is just the worst-)


I JUST GOT A DM THAT WAS JUST "You should be ashamed, you anti-shipping bitch." HOW DO I RESPOND??????


@SpunkyasQuiznak Oh, definitely. I'm just confused because I've never stated any of my opinions about shipping on this account. So I really don't know why this person decided I did.


@damnallthegoodnamesgone Some people take fictional characters and shows too seriously. I’m glad you muted them and didn’t bother trying to change their mind. Fans like that are usually toxic and beyond saving unless they change themselves.