
i might be a buzzkill and just pause writing my splatoon oc book and focuse more on one shots/& x readers since no one writes good one shots of my favorites these days  (please for the love of god i crave wick one shots)


i might be a buzzkill and just pause writing my splatoon oc book and focuse more on one shots/& x readers since no one writes good one shots of my favorites these days  (please for the love of god i crave wick one shots)


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I have been having writers block, so i can't really update my oc archives, so that's gonna be dead for a while. I'm also 'pre-ordering' the splatoon dlc, so I'm gonna have fun with that soon and forget to continue my draft again  
          I'm also going to Italy in a couple of months, so i won't be updating anything then either.
          It's not like anyone reads this shit anyway 
          I really should start writing some coroika fanfics of background characters because there's not enough love for safari hat, diver, aviators, school gardigans, etc. (Just for example)