
Hey guys! 
          	I know I haven’t updated in a while now but the reason for this is because I’m in a writers block.
          	and as bad as this will sound, I hate what I have wrote. I think that the characters have no personality and are boring. 
          	The book wasn’t even planned out properly I made mostly everything up as I went. The first 30 chapters are not good in my opinion and that is because I was much younger when I wrote them.
          	I have been plotting a much better and much more amazing book, it will take some time but I’m very excited for it. But I feel so guilty if I  left innocence unfinished. So I will not be doing that, Leo and Ara will get their happy ending. 
          	I think innocence is horrible to what I am truely capable of, but I do realise that some people love the book. But I am thinking that I might even try to edit it meaning that it might be taken down for awhile. 
          	If you have time please give me some feedback and share your thoughts! ❤️


@makinzeyryan8 I know how you feel so I won’t take it down I might just edit it but won’t take it down bc this might even be your comfort book so ya I get it people like u keep me motivated ❤️❤️❤️


Hey guys! 
          I know I haven’t updated in a while now but the reason for this is because I’m in a writers block.
          and as bad as this will sound, I hate what I have wrote. I think that the characters have no personality and are boring. 
          The book wasn’t even planned out properly I made mostly everything up as I went. The first 30 chapters are not good in my opinion and that is because I was much younger when I wrote them.
          I have been plotting a much better and much more amazing book, it will take some time but I’m very excited for it. But I feel so guilty if I  left innocence unfinished. So I will not be doing that, Leo and Ara will get their happy ending. 
          I think innocence is horrible to what I am truely capable of, but I do realise that some people love the book. But I am thinking that I might even try to edit it meaning that it might be taken down for awhile. 
          If you have time please give me some feedback and share your thoughts! ❤️


@makinzeyryan8 I know how you feel so I won’t take it down I might just edit it but won’t take it down bc this might even be your comfort book so ya I get it people like u keep me motivated ❤️❤️❤️