
Was born out of mud,
          	Kinda survive, so far, 
          	There will always be uncertainty, one of the most annoying things in this world,
          	Be consistence, they said, but the only thing that consistence is change itself,
          	Everything take times, no matter how long it takes, just, be patience,
          	Tomorrow is unpredictable, so, prepare for the worst scenario,
          	Its okay to cry, sometimes, when the words is not enough to explain,
          	Stop with the expectation, people are the worst, 
          	In the end of the day, its just about you and yourself, start loving yourself, more than anyone.


Was born out of mud,
          Kinda survive, so far, 
          There will always be uncertainty, one of the most annoying things in this world,
          Be consistence, they said, but the only thing that consistence is change itself,
          Everything take times, no matter how long it takes, just, be patience,
          Tomorrow is unpredictable, so, prepare for the worst scenario,
          Its okay to cry, sometimes, when the words is not enough to explain,
          Stop with the expectation, people are the worst, 
          In the end of the day, its just about you and yourself, start loving yourself, more than anyone.


Baru sadar kalau "its gonna be okay" "kalau ada apa2 cerita" "dont push yourself too hard" itu berarti banyak, banyak banget,
          Seseorang mungkin cuma butuh didengar, tapi mungkin mereka juga butuh ditenangin, at least setelah hati nya plong, pikiran nya tenang, mungkin bisa balikin semangat mereka, it means a lot for them.
          Karena kita butuh lebih banyak orang yg bisa memahami suatu kondisi nggak cuma dari 1 sudut pandang.


Ya bener sih
          Udah repot2 bikin program, tapi masih di jelek2 in
          Tapi ya emang ga menutup kemungkinan ada miss nya
          Sama, jiwa2 yg udah biasa dikecewakan beliau2 juga harap2 cemas
          Kan sama2 urusannya nggak cuma itu, tanggungan banyak
          Emang kalau buka mulut atau ngeluarin pendapat sekarang itu bahaya
          Apalagi online, 
          Ga ada intonasi nya, pol2 an juga capslock sama bold
          Udah paling bener afk aja dah
          Penting kerjaan jadi


Orang ya, kalau apa2 rewel, masalah makan rewel, 
          Udah gede juga, kalau gasuka ya gausah dimakan, udah susah2 dibeliin, bukannya dihargai malah komen ini itu, i'm not a saint, tapi tau lah gimana menghargai makanan,
          Dan kalau sekarang kamu merasa nggak dihargai sama orang2, well then look it up, introspeksi, kali aja itu karma dari hobi mu yg suka nyia2 in segala hal,
          Nggak semua hal perlu dikomen, abcdefg, no, if you can save it for yourself then save it, kecuali emang perlu mengingatkan,
          Aku nggak setiap saat komen kelakuan mu, cuma aku simpen, why? Ask your impulsif self, setiap ada yg sesuai aja udah kayak kebakaran jenggot.
          You are being toxic, even with your family. 
          -sorry for anyone who read this, i just- need to do this for my own sanity.