
I kinda wanna finish the diner??? yeah maybe not if it does happen it wont be on here but other than that yeah bye yall


Guys I’m so sorry I abandoned you guys. I’m just so busy with being a senior I guess. I have two more exams and then I’m done. I’m officially done with high school, like that’s it. So hopefully I’ll be back by then. I want to be back soon. I want to finish diner. I really like that story, so I’m coming back soon. I just want to let you guys know. I’ll probably edit it and then update the chapters. 


I need to ask why do all guys in fics apparently smell like sandelwood. Sandelwood doesn’t smell that nice. Watch me I’m going to make Frank Castle or Matt Murdock smell like Lavender or Oranges in one of my fics. that’s if I update 


anyways so Netflix can rot


@gholyhost they cancelled the marvel series


if anyone is open to make me covers for my stories I’ll love you forever


@quantams something that kinda fits in with the show aesthetic with the faceclaim if you want I can get more in to detail with it if I want to dm me


What kind you thinking ?