I can't state my actual name, home, ect. However, what I can say is that I am an otaku. An otaku is someone who really likes watching anime and reading mangas, where as a weeaboo (weeb) is someone who is so obsessed with anime, reading mangas, and or learning Japanese that they might as well be Japanese. But anyways, yeah I'm nothing special. Just another person with a Wattpad account for the means of reading my favorite fanfics. Who knows, I might even write some stories of my own. Side note: Wattpad absolutely destroyed what was once an innocent mind (some of the 1st stories I ever read were smuts, one shots, and lemons). Shout out to my friends and family members who are just as corrupt because of fanfics like me! #ariariaye #HatakeFangirl510 #donutpusheen5 #Agent_Kris #goldheart055 #mary_lavin
  • Otaku Island
  • JoinedDecember 1, 2018