
*     IS ANYBODY ON? cb & specify 


mmph, it’s a family affair. i can’t believe you’re going to be the sister in law to my bets. 


(…) thanks. what does your mother think about all this, by the way? you and emi, i mean.


@diregen ⠀ ⠀ ✿              finding out you were her kinda—mom was, like, the least surprising thing i learned about bets in forever. you’re weird and she’s even weirder. it’s perfect. 


—let me guess,  a pigsty?  yeah,  yeah.  haven’t  ..  gotten around to cleanin’ the place up  ..  yet.


@testedsoul ⠀ ⠀ ✿              yeah, no kidding. the overalls kinda speak to you. and i kinda don’t know whether that’s a good or sad thing.     (—soz.)     you look like, i dunno, the happiest i’ve kind of seen you. it’s weird. smile some more? a little?     oh my god. i so know you asked me that knowing i’d get grossed out,  which i then so did,  but like,  i dunno—  i think i’d kinda like to try that out. only if the cow’s not super smelly though!


it’s only temporary,  pom-poms.  but yeah,  i’ve always wanted the farmer lifestyle.  who knows,  maybe i can show you how to milk a cow in the future? 


@testedsoul ⠀ ⠀ ✿              oh my god, and they’re all pink! obviously. pigs are.. pink. stop looking at me like that— i know that. i just. didn’t think they’d be that cute a pink in real life.   look at you! the life of a farmer kinda suits you, v. 


don’t be such a wimp,  sunshine.


@leakingdark ⠀ ⠀ ✿              hey.     [it’s instinctive for gigi to tell it’s him at this point. there’s no other shadow—shrouded water figure plaguing her thoughts and existence for her to confuse him with. body barely recoils at all and instead beckons at the sight of him, still in the dark, for a secret embrace.]     miss me? —i know you did. you won’t believe the day i had with,   (eugh,)    mom. 


good to know my stealth skills are still up to code.  *  his voice,  once at least ten feet away,  is now only three feet away as he morphs almost out of nothingness in front of the porch,  *  hi there,  sunshine. 


@leakingdark ⠀ ⠀ ✿              i hate it when you call me that.     [smiling, as she so clearly enjoys it.]     a—and it’s got nothing to do with being a wimp. (which i’m not!) but the porch lights aren’t on today. i can’t see you super clearly. pfft— or anything at all. 


you weren’t supposed to follow me.


@leakingdark ⠀ ⠀ ✿              i dunno.     [it’s hardly kittenish, the way she mutters it in the vacancy of a calming breath.]     —i just keep forgetting you’re    ——     [she searches for the exact words, nothing but an unsteadied heartbeat is said in their absence.]


dead as a doorknob.  would you believe me if i said it was purely accidental?


@leakingdark ⠀ ⠀ ✿              so what, you’re supposed to be chilling in my room like, ninety nine point nine point nine percent of the time— and i’m not allowed to try to scare you but end up accidentally seeing you—   you—   (!)    are they dead? tell me. 


hey—  that almost tickles.


@leakingdark ⠀ ⠀ ✿              then you’ve got to let me see—!     [the laugh bubbling from the very pits of her stomach is volcanic, erupting with only little warning before she’s nearly got him in a chokehold. a case of a blonde hurricane as she, mundane and unassuming, ends up on top of cole, supernatural and arcane vicinal.]   c’moooon— c’mon! co—le—uh! 


i’m getting squeamish over here,  gi.  *  a playful groan,  he strains to keep still and face ‘torture’ from the one who has him nearly beaming,  * 


@leakingdark ⠀ ⠀ ✿              does it?     [giggling ensues, less from any real nor viable action, more from the look of his face. fingers ensue, still, to march in idle gloating from the end of his chin towards the slope of cole’s jaw.]     wait, stop moving!— let me do it some more. 


listen to your mom.


when she gets pissed she does,  and i don’t want to talk about that with you.  (we were never offical,  messing around,  college stuff—with history in high school. it wasn’t serious.)  ask your mom if you’re so curious.


@diregen ⠀ ⠀ ✿              my mom does not have a squeaky voice, ‘kay?   (and, even if she does, i’m the only one allowed to complain about it!)   what’s up with you guys, anyway? what were you, high school sweethearts?—   oh my god. /were/ you actually high school sweethearts? i’ll totally gag if you were. 


gigi, mom’s being annoying because she cares. and quite frankly, i don’t want to be at the receiving end of her squeaky voice when she finds out you ran /to me/ of all people about it. now scram. 


you ask too many questions,        how many times do i gotta tell you?       i’m your friend over there’s plus one


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@puckyear ⠀ ⠀ ✿              seriously?     [she looks at him, through nauseatingly colorful party lightening with the help of eagle sharp eyes otherwise deployed due to the striking need for contacts, up and down.]     ..that’s hot. maybe i’ll come watch you play sometime.     [footballers were overrated. gigi always thought so, anyway. finally, a sip of the cheap shit. tasting just as cheap and shitty as she remembered it to be.]     mhm. duh. it takes a whole different breed of person to do three consecutive basket tosses and still look cute.     [almost laughing again, and now of complete sound body and mind that it couldn’t have been triggered by the singular sip of beer when she’d almost fully sobered up. the plans sounded official. gigi saltzman would be going on record as the first girl, that she knew of anyway, to be going on a date with a nameless, but nonetheless and otherwise charming, guy.]     hm, surprise me? on any weekday. they’re the only times when mom’s not home. and that’s for the best. /your/ best. seriously, she’s, like, medusa with boys.


especially teenage boys with anger issues who could consider their stick as a weapon,    but i work with it      ..i’m one of them,    or so i’ve been told     [   his brows undoubtedly raised at her suggestion,    despite her teasing it did catch him by surprise.    he was by far much bigger than her,    stature wise anyways     and while he was never one to underestimate the rage a teenage girl carries,    he doubted she could push him that far if she really did go through with her sudden ‘threat.’    ]      oh i’m sure you do,     looks like you pack a mean punch with those guns of steel.    mark my words,     i’ll definitely be back here to pick you up at eight.     does the day matter or should i just surprise you?


@puckyear ⠀ ⠀ ✿              teams and squads are just so.. eugh.   [the fingers, painted a pretty pink, work their way around the cap of the beer with no practice.]     i mean, the cheerleading squad i’m second row of the pyramid in was at its best with a good captain and at its shittiest with a bad one. must something— having to navigate and control and, i dunno, manage hormonal teenagers like that.     [she giggles, again, one of those airy, childishly impish chuckles she’d had millie s. say she only did with cute boys around.]     what, would’ve preferred if i beat you up then? decked you across this place and been, like, ‘so pick me up at eight’? ‘cause i totally would’ve. i’ve got some muscle in me, y’know?