
have you ransacked the greenhouse? 


@eurysphea,   i was helping sybil in the garden..   recreational detention,  if you will.  haven’t had the time to change 


you shed a sad little trail of dust and earth everywhere you walk to. see for yourself. 




@activscenev,     so you’re telling me    ..that the old bastard used to smoke weed?   [ it was almost comical to him,  which warrants an almost snort to expel past his lips.  nonetheless,  he proceeds to follow right behind sybil as the began their trek to the garden.   however,  he pulls his hoodie over his head    ..mainly to protect his hair from the wind,  and to also prevent either his brother or rather    ..brazen sister kyra from seeing him,   because he already knew what she’d have to say. ]   so    ..crazy looking and colorful plants are what i’m on the lookout for     —got it


oh, i’m afraid not. it used to, though. back when i studied, yes?     [asked to no one in particular. she returns back to conversation as if the softness of the wind grazing the outer shell of her ear bore an answer.]     the headmaster forbade any more of them from growing by special injections made into the greens after one faithful end of the year party back in..    —it escapes me. though, very fun. mhm. i remember having a ball with your very own professor graves. you will spot them. the herbs. true to this land and therefore characteristically magical. they are outrageous in appearance and colorful in character. come now. follow suit. 


@activscenev   [  not for one second had he been prepared to go out into the garden,  hence his white sweatshirt (which would eventually get cleaned)   ..but he was a fool for thinking otherwise.  even students,  and the faculty,  who didn’t know sybil rigunth personally were well aware of her fascination with herbs and flowers.   dipping his head some,   he lets out a subtle scoff but covers it up with one of his smiles.   oh how percy is going to get an earful of this when he’s done,  ]   i know nothing about herbs,   only the one people smoke    ..and i doubt that it grows out in the garden     —or does it


i don’t think vermithor find you funny 


@lionswrath      you are pretty old me anyways.   we got more of an age gap,   and i don’t know why he’s talking     —he’s getting fat and balding.   don’t put me up for adoption,  that means i’ll have to go back to doing my hoodlum endeavors  :(


   ⠀ ⠀@cubqrc,    ⠀what is it with you and henry calling me /old/     ?     it’s unfunny,  and annoying. you’re annoying. both of you,  I’m putting you all up for adoption. 


@lionswrath     i am funny,   you just wouldn’t get it    ..old man.   i’ll bring my jokes and humor elsewhere for someone who appreciates it


.. do  you  not  like  the  black  hair ?


   ᅠ* ⠀@cubqrc,    ⠀and my brother,  according to graves..    [a shrug] a win’s a win i guess 


@kingsarc     fair point,   now you look like the rest of us dark haired folk


   ᅠ* ⠀@cubqrc,    ⠀yeah,  i know.  got tired of the blonde locks,   y’know?


close the curtains before you blind someone ..


   ᅠ* ⠀@cubqrc,    ⠀[she made a frustrated sigh, pulling the dark miniature cover over her face, and curling up further into a ball once the cool air hit her bare legs.   she didn’t feel like moving. her head ached,    as did her right foot, and the couch was oddly comfortable]    you..  are so .. annoying.  


@birdsrot    [ glancing over at the she-crow,  who seemed rather adamant on keeping the common room dark,   he narrows his eyes slightly,  ]    fine   ..  [  he pauses,  for maybe a minute or so until she retracts back to her previous position on the couch before ultimately ripping the curtains back open again,  rays of light beaming into the nest as he proceeded to look behind the other couch,  ]   it’s now later,  go rot in your bed if it bothers you


   ᅠ* ⠀@cubqrc,    ⠀[still drunk off sleep, the she-crow pushes the blanket off her frame and pushes herself from off the common room couch, moving sluggish across the floors to pull the curtains back together──engulfing the room in darkness again]  look for it later. 


fine..    get what you want before i change my mind. 


@roariest       i    ..would rather not enter that hooligan’s chambers,    i’ve seen enough from him.    i’ll just ask henry if he has one     —if i see him


   ᅠ* ⠀@cubqrc,    ⠀not that i know of, try the boy’s wing. rosaunt might have one.  or gauthier


@roariest      well aren’t you so hospitable.   you don’t have a     ..guitar pick just laying around by any chance,   do you?


could we talk later..   ?


*  despite the slight irritation she felt,  a smile easily etches its way onto her lips.   *  lovely.  let’s walk fast,  though.    achilde hates when people are late..       so,   what is it that you wanted to discuss?        


@vilewoven     thanks,  the bears are easy to beat     ..except cie,  he carries the team,   but anyways.    that’s a coincidence,   because i’m also headed that way too!   guess we can chit chat on the way,   yeah?


i understand that,  but i promised i’d help out in the library.    i’m sure we’ll see each other later on this week..     oh!    and congratulations on the win last week.     


it hardly hurts


 ♱̼ . ⠀@cubqrc,    ⠀[the wolf sighs. and instead of responding,     he slouches in his chair and moves to drape the cold towel over his eyes.  everything hurt. his head. his /arm/  and the last thing he wanted was to partake in this conversation..  he already got an earful from zig── which, he felt worse than terrible about.  and now he was getting it from jace, which was just salt on the wound..   for what it was worth, nate  just wanted to take a nap, sleep the pain away and try to forget about how he almost—could have —probably would have died. ]         don’t..     use my word against me, my command still stands..    this injury is just a result of a miscalculation 


this message may be offensive
@kingsarc     yeah.   yeah he was,   you and i both know that     — everyone on that trip with you knows it too   [ his tone was harsh,   angry even.   understandably so.   god,  he felt just like his sister right now    .. with those hardened dark hues of his and his posture,   in an almost shaken up sense with a sudden urge to remain nothing more than a flat expressed shell  .. it wasn’t a good thing that he wanted to feel anyways,  ]   you talked about what would happen if you lost me if i went and something happened?   what do you think i would do if i lost /you,/  nate?    yeah,   i’m grateful to the gods that all you came out with was some bruises and a sliced up arm because it could’ve been worse,   believe me.  i know.   and i know you don’t think it’s that big of a deal    — but it is.   it is to  /me,/  because call me selfish,  but i don’t think i could fathom losing you to some dumb pirates and their fucking swords


 ♱̼ . ⠀@cubqrc,    ⠀[he had to roll his eyes. not because the younger was wrong, but by the fact that he’d prefer not to relive his near death experience.    that, and── his arm ached.   the king sighs and presses the towel wrapped around a small bag of ice against the bruise on the side of his head,  trying to focus on anything but the pain he was facing]     he wasn’t going to gut me.. 