** cb && specify maybe (:

i want peace and quiet, sutton. i don't care about what happened in potions. /shut up/.

i didn't ask for anything. your hearing must be going if you believe i said anything of the sorts. but since you're sooo adamant, whatever, continue.

『 her ears twitched, as did her nose. she curled into a ball, directly under a large tree. the air was cold, a little too cold, though the fair amount of pale fur kept her somewhat warmer than she would have been without it. quiet whimpers left her mouth as her eyes scanned the land around her. she was unsettled, anxious and shy. she felt scared and vulnerable, yet she stayed exactly where she was, the only movement being the shivers from the cold. 』

( @cruciod ) 『 once she realised that she wasn’t in danger, she felt calm and relaxed. her eyes remained puppy-like and her ears were still perked up as she listened to the girl speak. she let out a couple of noises once her hand touched her head. she stood up and moved herself closer, her head leaning into her hand. she again looked up at her, this time staying stood up. she wasn’t hurt, she was just alone and curious. 』

oh … hello. [ accent coming out cracked while trying to stay quiet. she wasn’t scared. no, she was … so confused? it’s not everyday cute little wolf comes up and sits in front of you, staring up at you like a puppy waiting for a treat. but she’s surprised to say that this is the least odd of the experiences she’s had before. ] you’re not hurt, are you? wolves don’t approach people on a normal day— or night. [ she asks, as if it was going to suddenly start speaking right back at her. olive hand reaches forward, cautious and careful, petting her head gently, the soft fur against her hand causing a small smile to upturn the corner of her lips. ] ៹ @lcnelywclf .ᐟ

( @cruciod ) 『 her eyes lit up at the sound of the twig snapping. she got her hopes up, that somebody was close. she hoped for a moment that it was somebody kind, and not anybody that would cause her any danger. being as curious as she was, she got herself up, stretched and hit at the bush infront of her a few times before finally finding the courage. once she was out completely, she sat herself down in front of the girl before her, her eyes glancing up at her with a sad yet calming look. her head was ever so slightly tilted and her ears were alert. 』

please tell me you lot are not all like draco. what a nob.

@cruciod ⁀ ྄ᤲ᤺ . . . can’t be /that/ harmful if it’s true. draco set you lot back. ( his hand quickly retreated to his side. ) childhood, that’s funny. um, right. i think this whole school has its own groups.

what a harmful generalization then. [ though her words had no harm or bite in them. she flashed a pearly smile, keeping up friendly appearances with ease. ] slytherins are quite… cliquey and at times rude, i must admit—- though i suppose it’s the cause of lacking something in their childhood. ៹ @giingermints .ᐟ

@cruciod ⁀ ྄ᤲ᤺ maybe just describing slytherins as a whole. ( the wizard gave the other a rather light handshake. he was still skeptical of the other. however, it must’ve been a good since this witch hadn’t mentioned his family. ) merlin, i hope so. i don’t think i could handle another bad one.

* cb , specify maybe plsplsplspls !!

* / eating this theme

/ / * * GYAAATT

@THATRICHBITCH, actually, you forgot to turn off your open sign — which technically means your bar is still open.

@THATRICHBITCH, aww! that’s / so / thoughtful of you to say.