
“my father is the worst man alive, and i am his favourite daughter” except it’s zeus and rory 


1am thoughts (my time) but thunderstruck, the start at least, isn’t my most fantastic work. don’t get me wrong i adore rory and her storylines and all that jazz but i personally don’t like how i executed it, to be fair i started over a year ago and have since had practice working on actual novels and stuff so my writing has improved
          i am planning a show rewrite but i also kind of want to rewrite my original book, would people be down for that or do we want to leave it as is and do the rewrite within the show plot like i’m already planning
          your feedback would be much appreciated <3


@ crescxntmoons  I like both ideas, I would be happy with either


And with your original book it won’t contain any spoilers for the new show


I am fine with either one, though having the original one rewrite would be cool


i’m so emotional over the show because it’s been 8 years since i first picked up the lightning thief and who knew it would lead here?? like we’ve all been waiting for this day for forever and it doesn’t feel real that it’s actually here
          also dare i say… thunderstruck rewrite to fit the show plot??


@ crescxntmoons  I would love that if it isn't too much work


hello my lovelies!!
          if you’re here because you’ve seen my tiktok, hello!! i am moons, and welcome to the show!!
          First off i only just realised it has been five months since i posted and i am so sorry for that, my life has been quite a lot recently and i just haven’t come back to wattpad. if you want to see more of my writing i’ve been active on ao3 recently (crescxnt_moons)
          as for thunderstruck, i really have no idea when i’ll be uploading next. i miss our rory very dearly but i’d be lying if i told you that my motivation to write her story hasn’t dwindled. i still love percy jackson, but other stories and fandoms are taking priority for the moment, i would hate to give you guys content that isn’t up to standard.
          for those of you who were worried about me i am so sorry for worrying you! i appreciate your concern, my life has been a bit of a mess recently but i’m doing okay :)
          i will likely be quite active on ao3 in the future; my writing has improved a lot since i last uploaded and it’s been going on there, so go check that out if you’d like more content from me!
          i love you all, thank you for being here <3
          love, moons.