
I fell for everything in your bio rip 
          Anyways I just wanted to tysm for the follow and I hope you liked the google translate book 
          Have a good day/night!


@The_Silver_Warrior45 No rush, I’ll always be waiting. After all, best things come to those who wait, I think that’s how the saying goes. You get the point. Anyways, the secret to get me to follow is proper English, good grammar and a catchy and abstract title. You had all three. Congratulations on that because I assure you, it can be very tough to get me to follow people. Have a lovely day/night!
            -Craz :)
            (P.S. I tricked the irrelevant person into promising me to keep all my Wattpad information private. I’m very great I know…)


Oh wow tysmmmm this really made my day 
            It is also a pleasure to meet you ^^
            I will continue to do the book once I get to know the newer books 
            P.S hopefully the perosn with your password stops getting on your account


@The_Silver_Warrior45 It is a great pleasure to make your acquaintance. You are a wonderful writer and I really enjoyed your google translate book throughout. It was completely fantastic and I personally never thought that Google had a sense of humour. It was really your book title that drew me to it. Keep writing! I’ll be waiting…
            (P.S. please ignore the previous comments. They were from a completely irrelevant person who somehow got to know my password)