
Hi everyone! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted on this account. I’ve grown so much since making it but still love writing that I’ve decided to make a new account that is not a fan account. Please follow cbrownie226 if you all would like some updated content that I plan on posting soon! Thank you all for the support from the beginning.


Hi everyone! It’s been a long time since I’ve posted on this account. I’ve grown so much since making it but still love writing that I’ve decided to make a new account that is not a fan account. Please follow cbrownie226 if you all would like some updated content that I plan on posting soon! Thank you all for the support from the beginning.


I'm sorry for the lack of updates over the past few months. Life has just been kind of crazy. Being a full time college student while also working almost full time it's very hard to manage my time doing anything else. Since I've been so busy this account has no longer been a priority and often forget to update. I do hope you all enjoy what I have posted. Hopefully I'll eventually find time to write again. If not I do hope you all understand that life is just crazy and busy. Thank you all for the support!


Hey... Just wanted to check up on u!! I checked u weren't on insta.. I guess u deactivated or something.. Hope u r fyn? Coz i love ur posts tooo much!!


I'm fine! Thank you for asking ☺️ I no longer run that Instagram. I gave it away and it the new owner changed the name to @ nouis_ass_tho so it's still posting! I hope you have a great day! ☺️


I've officially finished the Secrets series. ☺️ I really hope you all enjoyed it! I've started writing a new fanfic called Forbidden. It would mean so much of you all would read that one too. Thank you all so much! I hope you all enjoy my new story. 


Hey, I love all of your stories but I wanted to know what happened to different. Your Niall story?? I loved that one 


I didn't have time to write it but now I've had more time to write so after secrets is over I have a Harry fanfic ready and I'm working on another Niall one ☺️