
Just learned of Wattpad’s add-free program and it’s pretty ;;;; annoying
          	this orange app changed so much since my hiatus 


Hello! It's been three years that I had the chance to read your storys , even though 4/5 of them are now closed , I wonder if you will still continue the 5th one . It's okay is you don't want to thought!! 
          Buuuut , I also kinda want to make a fanfiction about your fanfiction (yes it possible) if you don't mind-


VAN OMG HI IM SO LATE BUT WELCOME BACK !!!! and on your last message on this board, yes. this app has had some v bad changes along the years. kinda sad, lol. but welcome back again, missed u!! 


@serayume Thank you so much for the warm welcoming serayume!! <3 I missed you, too! I’m still learning to operate wattpad again, and hopefully be able to keep up with consistency. I hope to see you around more ^o^/ <3


If any old friendos would like to reach out to me, feel free to add me on Discord! My handle is Vanny is ded #9998 
          Mutuals only (mutual following)
          ~ Van


oh my godd i barely use this app anymore, but welcome back!! :))


@kingoftears Hi king!! Sorry for the lateness but yes feel free to <3


@cranerain Hi van!! So glad to see you back!! Is it okay if I added you?


Hi there! Long time no see! How have you been faring?
          If you see this message, I’m happy to announce that I’m officially returning to Wattpad!
          For a little explanation, I have been inactive on this platform since 2017. There were various reasons, though the main one being that I was mainly known as a digital illustration rather than a writer. I decided to migrate to deviantart and start learning to draw, as well as finding a new passion, something that I can call my own. Since then, I have also participated in the roleplay community, where I have the chance to get back into writing and building myself as an artist. 
          It wasn’t until a month ago when I picked up One Piece again. As some of you may have known me from the old days, I was a heavy OP fangirl and I tended to write fanfictions for the fandom. Alas, my love for OP returned,  which made me remember my days back in Wattpad. I felt nostalgic and decided to revisit my Wattpad page to read my old writings. I must admit, a lot of them really inspire me (there were some moments that make me cringe too xD ah, the younger me), especially Secrets and Lies. For those who have been looking forward to an update for this, I have another good news to announce that I will resume updating with this return! I’m thinking of rewriting it while keeping the original plot (simply because my writing style has developed a lot).
          Unfortunately, I will no longer be working as a book cover artist. I will still keep my portfolio and old book cover store for memory keepsake. Instead, I will use Wattpad as a place for hobby writing! I’m relearning to use Wattpad so please bear with me!
          As a side note, I recognize a lot of old friends who are still on here (shoutout that you’re doing a really good job!!), but alas, I forgot a lot ever since I went on hiatus, so please feel free to remind me! I’d love to connect with all of you again~
          Thank you a lot for supporting me!
          Please stay safe and have a good day! <3
          Lots of love,


@starshipology HANSNS HAII YES! IT FEELS GREAT TO BE BACK!! XD Thank you so much for the warm welcome~ I’m happy to see you again too! 


van !!! youre back !! ;U;
            i hope you have a fun time here again and that you’ll enjoy writing here as well. i’m glad to see you again here in this big ol’ orange app (*´◒`*)


Also, I received a lot of messages in inbox and on my homepage. Thank you for keeping in touch with me despite my hiatus! You all are wonderful people! >///< /


hi van! its been ages since you went online but if you ever see this message, i just wanted to tell you you’re still one of my favorite people here for your dedication to your craft. im sad we never got to talk much but i appreciate the things you shared with us here on wattpad. i hope you’re having a lovely christmas, wherever you are! ❤️


@starshipology  Hi, star! Sorry for reaching out to you so late (a few years later xD). Thank you for your wishes, and though this is late from me, I hope that you've been doing well too! I just decided to return on Wattpad and I will try to be active again. I hope to see you around more in the Wattpad community~


Hey guys, so summer is approaching for me and I might return to updating Alter and opening art commissions on here. Unfortunately, I won't reopen my cover shops because I lost interest in graphic designing now.
          I'm glad to see you guys again!


@cranerain missed you ^^ welcome back


vanny imyyyy


my line id is vybee07


Ahhhh, yes. I should download Line!! I'll tell you my account soon.


@ohkeyi  i now have a line account. let's talk on there lol :' > imyt btw