
honestly still in shock that i get to say these words but: WHAT A SHAME SHE WENT MAD IS OFFICIALLY COMPLETE!!!!!
          	it has been the greatest honor to be able to create maeve in the vampire diaries universe 
          	so thank you to the creators of tvdu for making this possible!
          	please check the updates, especially the thank you
          	and once more, i thank all of you for joining me on this ride
          	happy birthday to me!
          	goodbye my friends
          	- cass 


@cqmdqv happy birthday and thank you for maeve


honestly still in shock that i get to say these words but: WHAT A SHAME SHE WENT MAD IS OFFICIALLY COMPLETE!!!!!
          it has been the greatest honor to be able to create maeve in the vampire diaries universe 
          so thank you to the creators of tvdu for making this possible!
          please check the updates, especially the thank you
          and once more, i thank all of you for joining me on this ride
          happy birthday to me!
          goodbye my friends
          - cass 


@cqmdqv happy birthday and thank you for maeve


          i have decided in honor of my 17th birthday on the 26th, i would finish what a shame she went mad on saturday
          as of right now, we have four entire chapters in addition to the closing, two "extra" pieces, and a thank you
          so here is the plan:
          24th: chapters 33 & 34
          25th: chapters 35 & 36
          26th: closing, the letter, the reveal & thank you
          please join me for the marathon of a finish for what a shame she went mad & maeve 
          - cass 


@lilcoven thank you love!!!!


@cqmdqv HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY!!!!!!


hey friends!!
          i have decided to rewrite small town girl in a big arcade so now we have a new main character: mila fell played by lily collins!!!
          i'm so excited to write her and i hope all of you like her too!
          as for lj, she is probably one of the most crucial characters to the story but she is dead
          she does still maintain two of her key plot lines: being manipulated by katherine and having a relationship with hayley
          but she has been aged up to being tyler's twin 
          so instead of being jeremy's best friend, she was matt's and tyler's and was much closer to the trio
          more of the changers or similarties will be revealed early on :)
          also can we talk about how much of a loss last night was??!?! exile and dress are two of my favorites and are freya and maeve's songs </3
          - cass


@cqmdqv this looks so good so exicted


@lilcoven thank u!! and me too omg


hello my friends!
          act 3 has officially begun :)
          this will be the last act which means we are in the final countdown!
          i have an impromptu vacation starting on thursday so it may take some time to get these chapters written but hopefully not too long!
          - cass


@cqmdqv wow its hard to believe her story is almost over


last chapter of act 2 is posted! this chapter mirrors the last episode of season 3 in the originals so have fun reading :)
          - cass


@hanblake003 it is definitely the longest by FAR


@cqmdqv woah this act was long


hey friends, who has fun summer plans??
          mine are fairly simple, i've got a beach trip with some friends and a couple concerts lined up
          which means (hopefully) a ton of time to write!
          speaking of which, can you believe that we only have like 8 real chapters left of WASSWM?!?!?!
          to me that is literally insane. i want to thank everyone who has followed me, read the book, voted on it, commented on it, added it to a list - THANK YOU!
          your support means the literal world to me and never could i have imagined getting 30K+ reads, that is INSANE!
          as a thank you, i'm hoping to get chapter 28 published tmrw or the day after 
          and...i changed some things up for like the intro of STGIABA (including the cover!) so while you wait, be sure to check that out!
          i might just start posting chapters before i finish WASSWM but either way, i will turn my full attention to STGIABA very very soon!
          as always,
          - cass 


@hanblake003 thank you!!! i'm so proud of who maeve is becoming and i love that others love her to!


@lilcoven i love you sm <3 thank you


@lilcoven i hope you like the changes :)


little update as i'm waiting for the surprise songs!
          so, dia and i decided that we will just keep sharing this account and she will just post her fics here bc we both struggle w being active 
          anyways go follow our tiktoks @c.cordis and @.youngvoid <333
          and be on the look out for updates on hoax (the teen wolf fanfic) !!
          - cass


@cqmdqv new update coming soon??????


taylor sang mad woman tonight and so it only seems fair that i post a new chapter tonight
          but taylor, how dare you sing this song without me there 
          (i don't even have tickets, but still)
          in tears tbh but it sounds beautiful 
          anyways, enjoy the new update of what a shame she went mad :)


@cqmdqv i wouldn't expect u too


@chasing-sparks a very long wait lol


@cqmdqv absolutely, but I have to wait until august 