
⠀ /     cb  or  drop  for  some  new  interactions     :)


/ so sorry for the lateness 
          we're not supposed to be open right now ,   but would you like a drink ?  our jaws drink is pretty good .


⠀ /     dwbi  you're  good   <33


⠀⠀  ⠀( ✶ )      @loveyoutoomuch-
            oh   i   appreciate   that,      thank   you   so   much  ⠀ [    managing   a   half   smiling   as   he   leans   on   the   bar   counter    ]      heh  ok   i'll   take   one   of   that   please.


arms up.   i have to sanitize and glove you.


⠀⠀  ⠀( ✶ )      @svengalie      
            *      hazel   hues   wondered   about   through   the   laboratory   full   of   wonders.     nick   was   thoroughly   impressed   with   what   he   was   witnessing,      this   was   beyond   any   human   development   progress   that's   he's   ever   seen   from   someone   with   just   a   human   level   understanding      * ⠀ and   that's   how   most   if   not   all   business   relationships   work   it   seems,      one   having   leverage   over   the   other   and   dangling   it   in   front   of   them.


don’t apologize. it was last minute. seemed urgent.   * she would shrug as she walked through her vast laboratory, showcasing her brilliant work * i’m sorry if it’s a bit warm in here. though, you seem to be withstanding it well.    * maybe a little too well. he clearly wasn’t a human, being that the temperature in the room was 475 celsius. she was surprised he didn’t drop dead in front of her * yes, well… he does anything that benefits him. i have something he needs and in exchange i have him at my beck and call. so i don’t mind it. 


⠀⠀  ⠀( ✶ )      @svengalie       
            oh,      i   apologize   i   was   unaware .   .       (    my   mind   is   all   over   the   place,      i   don't   know   what   the   hell's   going   on.    )      well   everything   seemed   to   come   together   very   nicely,      looks   like   progress   production   are   working   hand   in   hand.       *      nick   smiles   softly   as   he   followed   along,     now   internalizing   the   name   lexcorp .   .       mhm  so  this   was   the   dc   universe.     interesting,     he   could   work   with   that   being  the   case      *       lexcorp   you   say,    how   courteous   of   lex   luthor   to   realize   they   are   many   more   brilliant   minds   out   there   other   than   his   own. 


Please  go  and  open  the  door.  Tell  her  I'm  not  here.  


I  don't  have  time  for  stupid  games.  Of  course, i  didn't  manipulate  anyone.  They  just..  like  me?  I  don't  know  why.   But  she  won't  leave  me  alone.  So  just  tell  her  she's  got  the  wrong  address..  or  something  like  that.   


⠀⠀  ⠀( ✶ )      @acterror
            avoiding   someone    ?     perhaps   someone   that   you   manipulated   into   falling   helplessly  in   love   with   you.


So  you  and  alyssa..  wanna  tell  me  what  happened?   


Really?   [   Adan  said  nothing  for  a  moment  as  if  he  was  shocked  about  his  statement     ]    Hmm,  okay.   But  you  would  tell  me  if  you  two  become  official,  right?


⠀⠀  ⠀( ✶ )      @acterror
            nah   we're   just   friends,     i   think   she   values   her   job   more   than   any   relationship   and   i   mean   i   get   it.


Yes.  Are  you  two  together?    


“How’d you find my studio? Wait. Dumb question. Better question… what do you want?”


“Oh you flatter me, I’m not that esoteric,”she replied with a grin,”well I’m happy to see you, darling, you’re always welcome to visit if you want.”


⠀⠀  ⠀( ✶ )      @satinic-      
            i   have   my   moments   but   otherwise   than   that   i'm   just   playing   a   guessing   game  ⠀ [    he   smiles,      eyes   roaming   around    ]      but   i   was   coming   from   seeing   a   friend,      and   thought   i'd   stop   by   and   say   hey.


“Sometimes you really get me, only sometimes.” The blonde finally set down the needle and thread they were using, standing up to actually greet him. “So what brings you to this part of the city?”


wait  —  you’re not coming for dinner again?


⠀⠀  ⠀( ✶ )      @shieldsagent-       
            why   not   do   both   at   this   point    ?      that's   really   how   i   feel. ⠀ *      he   could   feel   his   energy   return   just   from   her   touch,      feeling   all   his   problems   wash   over   him   like   water   over   stone ⠀ *      it's   not   like   i   can't   afford   to    do  both  anyways,      perks   of   having   a   long   line   of   wealth   and   keeping   the   family   business   afloat.


i know you are and i’ll be right here to help you out when you need it,  okay?    *    alyssa’s hands manoeuvred to circle around his neck as she was pulled in closer    *    well i’ve been eyeing up paris for a while.  i’ve been there a few times when i was younger but i was on assignments for the red room so i haven’t been able to enjoy it like i’ve wanted to.  but if you’re after / total /  relaxation,  then i suggest somewhere like the maldives.  any suggestions from your end? 


⠀⠀  ⠀( ✶ )      @shieldsagent-      
            guess   i   need   to   practice   what   i   preach  huh      [    he   chuckled   softly,     relishing   in   the   quick   kiss    ]      it's   easier   said   than   done,     but   i'm   working   on   it .   .       it   might   be   my   call   but   i'm   definitely   open   to   any   suggestions.       *      pulling   her   close   to   his   being,      her   tender   presence   aiding   in   strengthening   his   fortitude.    alyssa   had   no   idea   how   vital   she   is   to   him      *        it's   gonna   be   the   both   of   us   so   why   not   think   together.