
Hi, with 2021 coming to a close and me just vanishing from this website i might as well turn up before the new year
          	To put it bluntly, i have absolutely no idea when I’ll be returning to finish Trial and Error, My motivation for it smacked rock bottom and its been like that for a number of months.
          	The fic is not cancelled, i do indeed wanna finish it but its just not my priority at the moment I have taken down The Ruins fic as I personally just do not like it and see it as a rushed copy paste mess same applies to The Search’s removal
          	I wanna thank you all for the support on my stories wether they were terrible or amazing, just thank you for being there and I hope you all enjoy the holidays and new years while we go through this tough ass era of our lives. Have a great day.


@cornskid12345 You too! Wishing you all the best in a hopeful return in the future! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and yours.


Hi, with 2021 coming to a close and me just vanishing from this website i might as well turn up before the new year
          To put it bluntly, i have absolutely no idea when I’ll be returning to finish Trial and Error, My motivation for it smacked rock bottom and its been like that for a number of months.
          The fic is not cancelled, i do indeed wanna finish it but its just not my priority at the moment I have taken down The Ruins fic as I personally just do not like it and see it as a rushed copy paste mess same applies to The Search’s removal
          I wanna thank you all for the support on my stories wether they were terrible or amazing, just thank you for being there and I hope you all enjoy the holidays and new years while we go through this tough ass era of our lives. Have a great day.


@cornskid12345 You too! Wishing you all the best in a hopeful return in the future! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and yours.


hey so, if you haven't already seen the debut of "The Ruins" well, that's because I am going to discontinue The Search. i dont wanna get too much into why but long story short i had no motivation to continue 
          BUT It is being replaced with a new TAWOG AU called "The Ruins" in which "Day 1" has been published so go check it out!