
cyndi lauper is my idol


lol uh well um where do i start 
          okay so yeah my friends and i are just having a lot of dramma right now but it's being resolved in good ways so im happy about that and um oh so i liked this guy and he liked me and at the winter dance he kept staring at me so i walked around to find him when it was a slow song and he waved me over then asked another girl to dance with him and that kinda made me sad but ya know and then afterwards his friend said e called me a freak so yeah and he didn't apologize to my face he just told my friend to keep telling me he's so sorry and stuff.  and now like he's winking and saying hi to me and when im with my best guy friend (oh and we all have 7th period math together) so we sometimes act couply but thats only because were so close and known eachother forever well trace(the douche bag) stares at me all sad and he looks likes he going to cry and idk it annoys me a bit and im just like you could have had this but you didn't want it. so yeah oh and dive and pep awards were yesterday and i got the characters counts award for dive and oh i tried out for the pep team again so yay. and oh my best guy friend(same one as before) is moving to texas this year because his dad got moved up in the military base so im like really depressed about that. and this girl in my english class is just being really mean to me lately and shes my friend ish but she's just been mean to me and my best guy friend so yeah. oh and i had to choreograph all of our dance moves in choir for all 20 something numbers and my partner who was supossed to teach half of it broke her leg so i have to do it and it really sucks. and like we have cst testing this week and next two weeks and then we get like two or one weeks off and then boom its finals and ive just been stressed lately and idk I’m on a roller coaster that only goes up, my friend hahah tfios. and yeah what about you. your way more exciting than me