
February is going to be horribly stressful for me so I won't be updating at all. Sorry about that!


Hey there~ Oddly enough, I really miss the old cover of October.  Would you mind sharing it with me just so I can look at it again?  I hope this isn't too strange of a request!


@fishtowns arghh ok, I might have promised too much. Seems like I've deleted the old cover... I've still got the original photo though so I'll probably make a "remake" of the old cover sometime soon hah


@fishtowns Hey! Haha, I've actually been thinking of changing it back because I feel like the old one fit the mood of the story better. I'll probably change it later today when I get back home! Also thank you for liking it?? It's my own photo and so on so I'm really pleased haha 


I haven't abandoned you all- an update for Until You Are Okay will be posted this week! I didn't write over the holidays as I went back to Sweden and wanted to focus solely on drinking ridiculous amounts of glögg and spending time with family and friends. 
          I hope you all had a lovely and safe Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/New Years/Days off of work too!
          Amanda x


In his quest of getting me to flirt with this barista at my local Costa, my dad just blamed my cold on me not doing enough saliva sharing to strengthen my immune system. Like ok, I get the bloody hint. Also, I love you, please never change.